Chapter 594 Emperor Yuanmo Comes

Zimeng stretched out her hand and pulled out the silver needle on her body, then, taking a deep breath, she couldn't help covering her chest with her hand, the pain in her internal organs continued.

"Let's get ready to go. If we continue like this, I'm afraid there will be trouble." Zi Meng got up with the help of Bai Hu and looked around.

Although this is a desert, they didn't feel particularly hot after staying here for such a long time.

That means, this place shouldn't be a real desert, right?
"Are you really okay like this? I think you are still very weak, do you want to take a rest?" Baihu looked at Zimeng with some concern, Zimeng shook his head.

"Let's go first. I don't know why, but I always feel that it will be dangerous to stay here."

Zimeng's sixth sense has always been very accurate. Now, since she feels that there is danger here, it must be dangerous.

Therefore, Qinglong picked up Zimeng and left the spot, while Baihu stretched out his hand, grabbed the luck on the ground, and followed.

Not long after they walked, there was a shaking from the ground, Qinglong and the others turned their heads, and the desert before, where they stayed, had all sunk into a bottomless pit.

Baihu was shocked for a while, if Qinglong hadn't listened to Zimeng's words and left directly, I'm afraid they would all fall in now.

Although they are divine beasts, they can escape safely, but there is still an injured Zi Meng, so they can't take risks?
"Master, you are amazing!" Lucky stared at the scene in front of him with wide eyes.

"It's just my feeling. I didn't expect it to be so dangerous. Let's keep going. Now it seems that there is no way to turn back."

Zi Meng looked at the already empty desert. The current situation was equivalent to blocking their retreat. They had no way to turn back, so they could only continue to move forward.

Qinglong hugged Zimeng and continued to walk forward. However, the road was flat without any obstacles, not to mention obstacles, not even a tree or a blade of grass.

Just as Zimeng and the others were on their way, on a high mountain, Di Yuanmo stood there, frowning, his eyes full of worry.

"Master, shall we go?"

"I didn't expect that we were sent here just after we entered the library. Zi'er must be looking for me." Di Yuanmo clenched his fists tightly.

Originally, he thought that he wanted to wait for Zimeng to come after he entered Zangshu Pavilion, but he didn't expect that he would be sent to such a strange place.

He searched here for a long time, but he couldn't find Zimeng. He wondered if he and Zimeng had gone astray.

"Let's go!" Di Yuanmo said softly, and the two walked down the mountain together.

Suddenly, Di Yuanmo stopped in his tracks and looked in another direction with a somewhat excited expression. Without any warning, Di Yuanmo soared into the sky.

The one behind him sighed helplessly, and hurriedly followed. Di Yuanmo must have sensed Zi Meng, otherwise, it would be impossible to be so excited!
"Someone is coming!" Baihu looked at one side vigilantly, Qinglong and the others stopped at the same time and looked over.

When they saw who was coming, they couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

And Zimeng in Qinglong's arms was sleeping deeply, unaware that Di Yuanmo had already found him.

Di Yuanmo looked at the pale Zimeng, and frowned worriedly.

"What's up with her?"

"I just came here and was injured by the stone man, and I haven't recovered yet." Although Qinglong felt ashamed, he still told the truth.

(End of this chapter)

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