Chapter 597 Teleportation Vortex

At the very least, if something happens, one of them can find out first!
"What kind of streamer is it?" Qinglong turned to look at Zimeng, who raised her head.

"It's colorful, and the area is not big, just a trace." Zi Meng observed Liu Guang and answered Qinglong's words, Qinglong frowned.

A group of people just looked at Zimeng with her head up and didn't speak. When Zimeng's neck was tired, she moved a little and lowered her head.

"Now, what are you going to do?" Zi Meng looked around at a group of men.

Several people looked at each other, not knowing how to answer Zimeng's words, because they were also new to this place, so they didn't know what to do next.

Moreover, they looked at Zimeng, logically speaking, they all came for Zimeng, shouldn't they listen to Zimeng?
"Well, let's go ahead and see the situation." Di Yuanmo looked down at Zimeng, Zimeng nodded in agreement, now, it seems that he can only go forward first.

Before Di Yuanmo was about to hug Zimeng, Zimeng had already reached out and grabbed his hand, and they walked forward together.

Di Yuanmo looked at Zi Meng worriedly, and then squeezed Zi Meng's hand tightly.

Zimeng and Diyuanmo walked shoulder to shoulder, step by step, but after walking for a while, Zimeng would look at the streamer in the sky.

The streamer still followed them without any special changes, and her footsteps became slower and slower, and Di Yuanmo also followed her slower and slower.

Finally, Zi Meng finally stopped, and Di Yuanmo stopped beside her. Qinglong and the others walked for a while, realizing that Zi Meng and Di Yuanmo hadn't followed, they also stopped.

"What's wrong?" Di Yuanmo looked at Zimeng, and Zimeng looked at the streamer in the sky.

"Something is coming." Zimeng said softly, and Baihu and Qinglong gathered around Zimeng when they heard Zimeng's words.

Zi Meng continued to stare at the streamer that had been following them, perhaps to verify what Zi Meng said, the streamer gradually dissipated under Zi Meng's gaze.

Just when Zimeng thought the streamer had disappeared, a more dazzling light fell from the sky. This time, not only Zimeng herself, but also Di Yuanmo and the others saw it.

The light was so dazzling that Zimeng and the others couldn't help but raise their hands to cover it.

After the light disappeared, Zimeng and the others adjusted for a while before opening their eyes.

"What is this?" In front of Zi Meng and the others, a white vortex appeared, like a passage, and the vortex kept spinning.

"It seems to be a transmission channel." Di Yuanmo frowned, protecting Zi Meng behind him.

And Qinglong and Baihu stood in front of Zimeng and Di Yuanmo at the same time.

Feeling a slight movement, Zi Meng slowly closed her eyes to feel something.

"There is wind!" Qilin said softly, and Zimeng also felt a trace of wind blowing by her ears, and the wind became louder and louder.

Zimeng opened her eyes abruptly, their hair and clothes fluttered with the wind, and the direction of the flutter was exactly the white vortex.

"Be careful." Feeling the danger, Di Yuanmo subconsciously held Zimeng in his arms.

Zimeng held Di Yuanmo's clothes tightly, passed through the gap between Qinglong and Baihu, and frowned at the whirlpool.

As the wind increased, Qinglong and Baihu began to resist, lest they be sucked into the vortex.

"Don't resist." Zimeng yelled, not knowing what to think.

(End of this chapter)

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