Chapter 620 The Strange Gatekeeper

However, Di Yuanmo asked her to take the monsters in, how could she take them in?

"This is a space where living things can be placed, but the area is very small, but there is still room for movement if you put it in."

Di Yuanmo gently squeezed Zi Meng's little hand, and Zi Meng looked down at the ring in her hand with a smile on her face.

Although she hasn't made up her mind on whether to take this monster away, Di Yuanmo seems to have made preparations that Zimeng will definitely take it away.

Sitting on the back of the monster, Zimeng had a smile on her face all the time, she couldn't help it, the feeling of not having to walk by herself was so cool, isn't it?

Zi Meng was in a good mood, and Di Yuanmo and the others were naturally in a good mood, so Lucky and Mu Xi had a great time along the way.

I don't know how Qinglong did it, but the monster was so obedient, without any resistance, and just obediently carried them forward.

"Hey, Great God Azure Dragon, how did you do it? Why is it so obedient?"

Zimeng looked at Qinglong with great interest, Qinglong looked away a little uncomfortably, Baihu covered his mouth amusedly, and did not look at Qinglong.

Qinglong rolled his eyes childishly, then turned his head, not looking at anyone.

Just when everyone was laughing at Qinglong, the monster suddenly stopped. Zi Meng and the others looked at the stopped monster in confusion. The monster seemed to be afraid of something, and its huge body couldn't help shaking.

Zi Meng looked at Di Yuanmo, Di Yuanmo got up and jumped off, looked around, it was quiet here, nothing was there.

Moreover, he didn't feel any danger, not just danger, he didn't even feel human breath.

However, turning his head to look at the trembling monster, Di Yuanmo was a little worried. The wildness of the monster is the most sensitive. Since the monster is afraid of being like this, there must be danger here.

Zi Meng jumped off the back of the monster, and then walked to Di Yuanmo's side. Qinglong and the others were still standing on the back of the monster, looking at Zi Meng and Di Yuanmo.

A blurry figure appeared in front of them, Zi Meng looked at the figure, a little dazed, this person is...

"You are the gatekeeper of Zangshu Pavilion, why are you here?" Zi Meng asked softly, Di Yuanmo turned to look at Zi Meng, a little puzzled.

He has never seen the gatekeeper of the Library Pavilion, but why is he here?

"I'm here for you, come here!" An ethereal but old voice came over, Zi Meng looked at Di Yuanmo, and then walked over like a gatekeeper.

Di Yuanmo grabbed Zimeng and prevented Zimeng from acting freely. Zimeng didn't speak, but turned to look at Diyuanmo.

"I'll go there with you, no matter what she wants to do, we will go together." Di Yuanmo said softly, Zi Meng nodded, and the two walked towards the gatekeeper together.

Qinglong and Baihu stood on the back of the monster. Because of the appearance of the gatekeeper, the monster had already laid down on the ground with eight legs.

"Qinglong, shall we go forward?" Baihu turned to look at Qinglong, who shook his head.

"I've already felt her coercion. We are not her opponents. Moreover, this should be just a spiritual sense. Let's not rush to add trouble. Just wait here. She has no malice towards Zimeng. "

Qinglong spoke softly, Baihu nodded, Lucky and Mu Xi, two little guys, sat there, each holding a large piece of snack, staring blankly at Zimeng, not even bothering to eat the snack.

(End of this chapter)

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