Chapter 625 Cheer up
Li Yuange, who was always indifferent, had already had red eyes, but he looked up at the top of the cave, holding back his tears for a while.

Zimeng's mood is already very bad now, she can't make trouble for her anymore!
For a moment, in the entire cave, except for Zimeng's soft words, there was no sound at all.

Everyone seemed to not want to disturb Zimeng, so they retreated quietly, leaving Zimeng the last time to spend together.

Zimeng worked alone for a long time before cleaning up the blood stains on Xing Yage's body. Sitting beside Xing Yage, she quietly looked at Xing Yage's face without saying a word.

Di Yuanmo stood not far away looking at Zimeng like this, frowning tightly.

"What's going on with this matter?" Di Yuanmo turned to look at Li Yuange and the others.

"I don't know why. The queen said that Zimeng has four great beasts on her body. These people came here to find trouble because of this. They asked her to hand over Zimeng, but she refused."

Li Yuange explained softly. Although the words were simple and the voice was very soft, Zimeng could still hear clearly.

Zimeng frowned tightly, staring at Xing Yage, Xing Yage died because of her!
This master, whom she had always disliked, died because of her!
Zi Meng's hand was tightly clenched into a fist, her nails pierced into her palm, blood dripped on the ground, Zi Meng didn't even feel it.

Smelling Zimeng's faint smell of blood, Di Yuanmo frowned and walked over. He squatted in front of Zimeng, gently opened Zimeng's hand, and looked at the bloodstains on Zimeng's palm. His brows frowned even tighter.

"I have always disliked her for being unreliable, and I have never called her master seriously, but she has never cared.

Every time she sees me, she still talks and laughs, and she still thinks of me in everything. Now, she is lying here because I am lying here. If I hadn't entered the library, such a thing would definitely not have happened. Is it right? "

Zi Meng looked up at Di Yuanmo, tears covered Zi Meng's face, Di Yuanmo raised his head, and wiped Zi Meng's tears.

He could feel Zimeng's current mood, and Di Yuanmo also knew that because of Zimeng, many unexpected things had happened, and she was blaming herself now.

"Zi'er, I know you are very sad now, but the matter of the Liuli School has not been resolved yet, and headmaster Xing has passed away to protect you, so she has already entrusted the Liuli School to you, hasn't she?

If you keep blaming yourself like this, head Xing will definitely be very disappointed, so you have to support the Liuli faction, you know? "

Di Yuanmo looked at Zimeng, and comforted him softly. Diyuanmo's words cheered Zimeng up a bit, and he nodded at Xing Yage.

That's right, Xing Yage has already entrusted the Liuli School to her, and now, she must take responsibility for the Liuli School's suffering.

Zi Meng will never let anyone who dares to touch the Liuli Sect be easily let go!

"Don't worry, I, Zimeng, swear here that as long as I'm here, I will never let the Liuli faction decline!" Zimeng's eyes gradually became firmer, watching Xing Yage swear, Li Yuange and the others were all relieved.

What they are most worried about is that Zimeng is stuck in self-blame and unable to get out.

However, it's all right now, Zimeng is able to cheer up, thanks to the presence of Emperor Yuanmo.

"You stay here with her. I'll take care of the outside affairs." Zi Meng smiled at Di Yuanmo, then got up and looked at Tang Jingcheng and the others.

(End of this chapter)

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