Chapter 631 Fighting side by side
Everyone was frightened by Zimeng's attack, the fighting between Qinglong and Baihu has not stopped, Zimeng vigilantly pays attention to the movements in all directions.

Then, just raising her hand, Zimeng fired another arrow from the bow in her hand.

As soon as Shi Yu's figure appeared, he disappeared again. Zimeng's arrow was nailed to the ground, forming a deep hole in the ground.

This attack really shocked many people. Who would have thought that this seemingly simple attack would have such great power?
Shi Yu hid in the dark and observed for a while. He didn't expect that Zi Meng's vigilance was stronger than Xing Yage's. He killed Xing Yage because Xing Yage had already fought many people and his strength had dropped a lot.

But now, Shi Yu could feel that he couldn't kill Zimeng now.

Shi Yu's figure disappeared slowly like this, Zi Meng frowned, the person named Shi Yu disappeared, and his breath also disappeared!

How is this going?

Zimeng looked around, but couldn't find the figure of the person she wanted to kill.

"Shi Yu, I will definitely kill you!" The bow and arrow in Zimeng's hand gradually disappeared, and then rushed towards the others.

At this time, Zimeng seemed to be venting, frantically scaring many people.

In fact, Zimeng was really venting, because she watched the person who killed Xing Yage escape from here, no, it wasn't just watching, but she didn't even know when Shi Yu left.

"Senior Sister Ling, is Zi Meng okay?" Seeing Zi Meng covered in blood, Sheng Ge hid behind Ling Siyun in fear.

"Should be all right?" Ling Siyun said lightly, but her tone was full of uncertainty.

The current Zimeng is not at all like the Zimeng who was so angry and helpless before, but like a killing god who returned from hell.

"Is she just venting now?" Li Yuange's voice came, Ling Siyun and the others turned their heads to look at him, and then at Zimeng.

"Could it be that you haven't recognized her yet?" Li Yuange spoke again, and Ling Siyun and the others looked over in confusion.

"What do you mean?"

"If it is approved, then you should be fighting side by side with her now?" Li Yuange saw Zimeng who was fighting non-stop in the crowd, and his tone was not turbulent.

Ling Siyun and the others watched Li Yuange quietly for a while, as if thinking of something, several people looked at each other, smiled, and rushed over directly.

"You..." Seeing them, Zi Meng hurriedly stopped attacking. If Zi Meng hadn't stopped suddenly just now, she might have hit them by now.

"You are our leader, and, you have been fighting for so long, we should fight side by side with you."

Ling Siyun turned her head, looked at Zimeng and smiled, Zimeng just looked at them and didn't speak, but there was still a flash of gratitude in her eyes.

After Zimeng smiled, she launched a new round of attacks.

Those who came looking for trouble saw their teammates fall one by one, and wanted to leave, but they couldn't leave anyway.

How could Di Yuanmo let them leave before Zimeng's anger was fully vented?Therefore, barriers were set up around in advance.

"Her strength has improved a lot!" Tang Jingcheng stood beside Di Yuanmo, looking at Zimeng's figure, feeling extremely emotional.

"During this time, she has been practicing very hard. If she doesn't make any progress, maybe she will be very disappointed with herself?"

(End of this chapter)

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