Chapter 635 Must Face
Di Yuanmo lowered his head and gently stroked Zi Meng's small face. The wound on Zi Meng's face gradually healed, as if it had never appeared before.

Dizzy, Zimeng woke up, and Di Yuanmo was sitting beside her to accompany her.

"What's wrong with me?" Zi Meng asked softly.

"It's okay, I'm just too tired, so I fell asleep." Di Yuanmo smiled at Zimeng.

He didn't tell Zimeng directly that Zimeng fainted because of poisoning. Now, Zimeng needs to do too many things of Liuli Sect, so Zimeng can't add unnecessary troubles.

It's fine for him to handle these matters.

After Zimeng has completely taken over the Liuli faction, he will be able to act unceremoniously when Zimeng needs it.

Moreover, Di Yuanmo believed that Zi Meng's growth would not end in the Liuli School.

"Is that so?" Zi Meng didn't have any doubts about Di Yuanmo's words, but scratched her head in embarrassment.

It's just a fight with those people, and I was so tired that I fell asleep, and fell asleep without remembering anything, it's really embarrassing!

"Now that you've woken up, is there anything uncomfortable?" Di Yuanmo reached out and touched Zimeng's head, Zimeng blinked her eyes to feel it, and then shook her head.

There is no uncomfortable feeling, let alone uncomfortable, not even a little tired feeling.

This made Zi Meng very strange, did she really fall asleep because she was too tired?Why doesn't she feel anything at all?

However, since Di Yuanmo had already said so, she had no doubts.

"Since there is nothing uncomfortable, let's go. Head Xing is going to be buried." Di Yuanmo said softly, Zi Meng's body froze suddenly, and then slowly lowered her head.

That's right, she hasn't solved this matter yet, how much does she wish this matter was a dream?When I woke up, it was as if nothing had happened.

But it's true, isn't it?Not only is it true, but she has just woken up and is about to face the cruelest thing.

She really didn't want to go to Xing Yage's burial, she didn't want to see Xing Yage buried in the ground in front of her, she didn't want to endure such pain.

"Mo, I really don't want to go!" Zi Meng leaned against Di Yuanmo's arms, holding Di Yuanmo's collar tightly with both hands, and the grief on her body was clearly conveyed to Di Yuanmo.

"I know, you don't want to face this matter, but something has happened, you have to face it, not only now, but also in the future, this kind of thing will definitely not stop like this, just like always One day, I will leave you too."

Di Yuanmo gently stroked Zi Meng's head, and Zi Meng looked up at him when he heard Di Yuanmo's words.

"You won't leave before me, and, in the future, I will protect everyone and never let everyone leave because of something like this!"

Zi Meng looked at Di Yuanmo very seriously, Di Yuanmo's mouth raised a faint smile, it was absolutely impossible for him to watch Zi Meng go before him.

"Let's go?" Zi Meng got up, looked at the white clothes on her body, and looked at Di Yuanmo. Di Yuanmo nodded, and walked out holding Zi Meng's hand.

Zimeng followed behind Di Yuanmo, keeping her head down. She didn't want Di Yuanmo to see her current appearance and her depressed appearance.

Zimeng's arrival made everyone stand aside, leaving a path in the middle. They all looked at Di Yuanmo and Zimeng, and watched them slowly walking over.

(End of this chapter)

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