Chapter 646 Inheritance Ceremony (9)

Zimeng, who has never put on makeup, put on a light makeup, noble and elegant, which made Di Yuanmo unable to look away and say nothing behind.

Zi Meng turned to look at Di Yuanmo, and smiled at him. Di Yuanmo reached out and gently covered Zi Meng's face.

Suddenly, Di Yuanmo wanted to hide Zimeng, so that no one could see her current appearance.

"What's the matter? Is this ugly?" Zimeng stood up, wearing white clothes, which made her look more noble. Di Yuanmo looked at her like this, which made her very embarrassed, and looked down at the clothes on her body.

"It's not ugly at all, it's beautiful, and I don't want you to go out anymore."

Di Yuanmo looked at Zi Meng helplessly, and Zi Meng blinked, and also looked at Di Yuanmo helplessly.

Since it's not ugly, why does Di Yuanmo show such a troubled look?It made her think that the clothes were not good-looking.

Although, before, she told Ling Siyun that it should be simpler, and the clothes on her body are a bit cumbersome now, but Ling Siyun also said that this is already the simplest style.

Anyway, she doesn't wear it often, so she doesn't care much.

"I don't want them to see you now." Di Yuanmo stretched out his hand, pulled Zi Meng into his arms, and spoke softly, Zi Meng raised the corner of her mouth.

"Why have I never thought that you are so jealous?" Zi Meng teased Di Yuanmo in Di Yuanmo's arms, and Di Yuanmo just raised the corners of his mouth without refuting.

In fact, even he himself didn't know when he became so jealous.

"Zimeng, it's almost time, it's time to go." Ling Siyun spoke outside, Zimeng came out of Di Yuanmo's arms, and took a deep breath.

"Let's go!" With a decent smile on Zi Meng's face, Di Yuanmo nodded slightly, and then left the room with Zi Meng.

The people outside gasped when they saw Zimeng at this moment.

Zimeng was dressed in white and stood beside Di Yuanmo, her hair was standing up high, and the aura between her brows was different from that of mortal women.

"I'm going, Zimeng, you're too beautiful like this, right? I said, Master Guoshi, are you really assured that she will go out like this?" Jun Mojiu walked in front of Zimeng with surprise, and Zimeng smiled helplessly. smiled.

"With me here, what are you afraid of?" Di Yuanmo stood domineeringly beside Zi Meng, and Jun Mojiu rolled his eyes.

"Little aunt, you are really beautiful." Bei Liwan also rushed in front of Zimeng, looking at Zimeng with sparkling eyes.

"Thank you, we haven't seen each other for two years, right? Wan'er has grown up!" Zi Meng looked at Bei Li Wan, who was almost as tall as her, and was praised by Zi Meng, which made Bei Li Wan smile happily.

"Father, two elder brothers, I'm glad you can all come?" Zi Meng touched Bei Liwan's head, then raised her head and looked at Bei Li Xinhong and the others.

"It was Master Guoshi who brought us here." After Bei Li Xinhong looked at Di Yuanmo, he smiled at Zi Meng. Zi Meng looked at Di Yuanmo, and Di Yuanmo's gaze was also on her body.

Zimeng had already thought that when Di Yuanmo came over, he would definitely bring the Beili family along.

"Why did you come? I remember, I didn't invite you to come? Are you here uninvited?"

Zimeng looked at the aggrieved Jun Mojiu with a funny face. Just now, she hadn't talked to Jun Mojiu. Now, Jun Mojiu looked aggrieved, wishing to strangle her to death.

(End of this chapter)

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