Chapter 651 Contract Xuanwu (1)

Zimeng looked up at Di Yuanmo, who nodded slightly to her, she put down her hand, and smiled at Bei Li Xinhong.

Nanjin Chuyue in the crowd raised her head, looked at Zimeng, and stopped talking. The Patriarch Nanjin beside her shook her head at her, and she stood there obediently, looking at Zimeng.

What she decided must not be said here, otherwise, this group of people will definitely panic!

Afterwards, gifts from various factions were sent, but Ling Siyun accepted them on her behalf.

In everyone's shock, Zimeng said some simple words, and she was not interested in continuing. However, fortunately, Ling Siyun was there, and Zimeng handed over the rest to her directly.

Although Ling Siyun was helpless, she still greeted people from other sects very responsibly.

"Thank you." Back in Zimeng's yard, Zimeng was not as noble and elegant as before, but lay down lazily on the stone table.

Di Yuanmo raised his hand helplessly and rubbed Zimeng's head.

Zimeng raised her head pitifully and looked at Di Yuanmo. She never thought that the succession ceremony would be so tiring. If she had known earlier, she would definitely not want to participate.

Just listening to those people's questions, Zimeng was already very tired.

There are all sorts of weird questions, if it wasn't for Ling Siyun's help to answer, I'm afraid Zimeng would go crazy.

"Zimeng..." Nanjin Chuyue and Patriarch Nanjin walked up to Zimeng, who looked up at them.

"Sorry, Chuyue, I haven't greeted you all this time." Zimeng smiled embarrassedly at Nanjin Chuyue and Nanjin's Patriarch.

"It's okay, you've been busy all the time, and you can't take care of so much, don't worry about it." Nan Jin Chuyue looked at Zimeng already too lazy to get up, so she could only comfort her.

"En." Zimeng responded, looking even more powerless.

"Chuyue." Patriarch Nanjin gently pushed Nanjin Chuyue, Nanjin Chuyue nodded and summoned Xuanwu.

"Xuanwu, last time you came to help, I haven't had time to thank you!" Zimeng raised her head and looked at Xuanwu, who just smiled at her.

"Zimeng, I have discussed with my father, and I will return Master Xuanwu to you." Nan Jin Chuyue looked at Zi Meng very seriously, Zi Meng sat up straight suddenly, and looked at Nan Jin Chuyue in confusion.

Didn't they discuss it before?I won't mention this matter again!Why is Nan Jin Chuyue bringing this matter up now?
Moreover, it was still in front of Patriarch Nan Jin!


"Zimeng, listen to me." Nanjin Chuyue interrupted Zimeng, and continued, "This matter was discussed by all of us in Nanjin's family, and you were considered their master in the first place. , isn't it?"

Nan Jin Chuyue looked at Qinglong and Baihu beside her, and smiled at Zimeng. Zimeng opened her mouth, but looked at Xuanwu, but couldn't say anything.

That's right, she had already found it, but she never made a contract with Xuanwu. Afterwards, she contracted Baihu again. Presumably, Xuanwu must be feeling uncomfortable, right?
"I see, thank you, Chuyue, and thank you, Patriarch Nanjin." Zimeng got up and smiled at Chuyue Nanjin and Patriarch Nanjin.

Nan Jin Chuyue took a deep breath, looked at Xuanwu, "Master Xuanwu, I really appreciate you taking care of me during this time, and please help Zimeng well in the future."

After Nan Jin Chuyue bowed deeply to Xuan Wu, she closed her eyes and carefully erased the connection between her soul and Xuan Wu.

(End of this chapter)

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