Chapter 653 Really Tired
Therefore, it is necessary to find her a monster that can protect her safety!

However, Zimeng was still considering what monster to find.

Zimeng lay down on the table bored again, and everyone in the yard gathered together in twos and threes, talking about something.

Sitting beside Zimeng, Di Yuanmo poured Zimeng a glass of water, but Zimeng was lying there and didn't even bother to take the water glass.

Di Yuanmo looked at her with some distress, he was not by Zimeng's side these two days, what happened to Zimeng?So tired?Logically speaking, shouldn't it?
Watching them talking, Zimeng's eyes became more and more blurred, and her eyelids became heavier and heavier.

Then, under Di Yuanmo's gaze, she closed her eyes and fell asleep.

Di Yuanmo got up helplessly, hugged Zimeng, and sent him back to the room. Bei Li Xinhong and the others looked at Di Yuanmo's back in puzzlement.

"The head of the sect has never slept in the past seven days. Either he sat there in a daze, or he was tossed by us. He must be very tired from dealing with those guys who seem to be in harmony with his heart just now."

Dugu Mingxue looked at Zimeng's door. In fact, they had persuaded Zimeng to let Zimeng rest in the past few days, but Zimeng was still like this and had no plans to rest.

It must be because she fell asleep like this today, she is really tired, right?

"Hasn't rested all this time? How is it possible? She likes to sleep very much." Bei Liwan looked at Dugu Mingxue in disbelief.

"I don't know, these few days, she has been staring at the token of the head of the Liuli School in a daze." Dugu Mingxue looked at Bei Liwan and nodded, and Bei Liwan sighed.

In fact, Bei Liwan also knew that Zimeng didn't care about status, and what Zimeng liked most was freedom, without freedom, even if she was made emperor, she would not care.

Now, the willingness to be the head of the Liuli Sect is also because of Xing Yage's relationship, but Bei Liwan is very worried, can Zimeng be happy here?

"It's okay, she's our little aunt, nothing can trouble her." Bei Liyang patted Bei Liwan's head lightly to comfort her.

"I know, but brother, I've grown up now, can you stop patting me on the head?"

Bei Liwan turned her head dissatisfied, and looked at Bei Liyang. Bei Liyang raised her eyebrows. Could it be that she's not his sister when she grows up?

Why can't you pat your head?
In the room, Zimeng was placed on the bed by Di Yuanmo and fell asleep quietly. Di Yuanmo sat aside and looked at her, recalling the time he spent with her, he couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

For Di Yuanmo, this period of time should be the happiest period of time for her.

It's just that Zimeng will support the Liuli faction in the future, so I'm afraid she won't have so much time to go out with him.

Zimeng, who was asleep, dreamed of something, and her brows furrowed. Di Yuanmo reached out to smooth Zimeng's eyebrows, but Zimeng had already opened her eyes.

"Why did you wake up?"

"It's okay, I'm just dreaming, I can't seem to fall asleep." Zi Meng sat up, rubbed her nose, and looked at Di Yuanmo.

Di Yuanmo didn't speak, but he knew that Zi Meng must have dreamed about Xing Yage, otherwise, it wouldn't have happened.

"Since you can't sleep, do you want me to take you out for a walk?" Di Yuanmo looked at Zi Meng with a smile, and Zi Meng blinked.

To be honest, she really wants to go out for a walk now, but it seems that this is not the time.

(End of this chapter)

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