Chapter 655

"Mo, what's this place?" Zi Meng smelled the fragrance of flowers rushing towards her face, and turned her head happily, looking at Di Yuanmo, who was looking at her with a smile.

Zimeng didn't expect that Di Yuanmo would know so many good places, be it the hot springs before or the sea of ​​flowers now, it's incredible.

However, according to Di Yuanmo's character, these shouldn't be, right?
"With nothing to do, I walked around and found it. Seeing such a beautiful scenery, I couldn't bear it to be destroyed, so I set up an enchantment around here."

Di Yuanmo looked at Zimeng's happy face, and he was also in a good mood. He brought Zimeng here just to make Zimeng feel better.

Now it seems that he guessed right!
"A barrier has been set up?" Zi Meng looked at Di Yuanmo in disbelief.

Today, it seems that she saw a different Di Yuanmo again?

With such care, in order to prevent people from spoiling the beautiful scenery here, he actually thoughtfully set up a barrier here.

"Thank you, Mo!" Zi Meng walked to the opposite side, put her arms around Di Yuanmo's waist, and snuggled into Di Yuanmo's arms.

Di Yuanmo put his arms around Zimeng, with a smile on his lips.

His hand moved again, the breeze blew the hair of the two of them and entangled their hair, and the petals were flying around, as if they were in a fairyland.

"How's it going, are you feeling better?" Di Yuanmo asked softly when Zi Meng lay in Di Yuanmo's arms without moving for a long time.

However, there was still no movement from Zi Meng. Di Yuanmo lowered his head, only to find that Zi Meng had fallen asleep in his arms.

"Really, I can fall asleep in this situation, should I praise you or what should I do?" Di Yuanmo shook his head helplessly, and gently placed Zimeng among the flowers, and then, he also Lie down beside Zimeng.

Turning to look at Zimeng, Di Yuanmo really hoped that he and Zimeng could live on in such a simple way, but he also knew that it was impossible for him or Zimeng.

Therefore, Di Yuanmo cherishes such a peaceful moment now.

Maybe it was because he was beside Zimeng, and it was such a comfortable environment, so Di Yuanmo soon fell asleep too.

Zimeng, who was asleep, turned over and slipped into Di Yuanmo's arms, and Di Yuanmo also stretched out his hand, pulling Zimeng closer to him.

The wind around gradually stopped, as if it didn't want to disturb the warm scene in front of me.

It's just that this kind of warmth seems a bit too short-lived.

When Zi Meng woke up, Di Yuanmo was sitting beside her reading a book, she sat up, and Di Yuanmo turned to look at Zi Meng.

"woke up?"

"En." Zimeng smiled at him, maybe because the environment here is really warm and it is easy to calm people down, so Zimeng slept soundly without dreaming.

However, now that you have woken up, you are going to get busy again, right?
Zi Meng couldn't help sighing, Di Yuanmo put away the book in his hand, and looked at Zi Meng.

"If you really feel tired, we'll stay here for two days before going back." Di Yuanmo raised his hand and removed the petals from Zi Meng's hair.

Zi Meng lowered her head and laughed, if only she could be as chic as Di Yuanmo sometime, she could do whatever she wanted.

Although it was true in the past, but in the future, I'm afraid there will be no such leisure and elegance, right?

If possible, she would also like to rest here for a few days, but if she rests here, what will the Liuli faction do?
(End of this chapter)

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