Chapter 657 Too embarrassing

Although Zimeng didn't know if Ling Siyun would like to take over the Liuli faction, but when the time came, she would choose to put down the stall directly.

Even if Ling Siyun was unwilling, there was nothing she could do.

I don't know what will happen if Ling Siyun, who is very busy with Zimeng at this time, knows that Zimeng has such an idea?
I'm afraid Ling Siyun will throw something directly at Zimeng's face, and then leave gracefully!

Zimeng and Di Yuanmo silently depended on each other among the flowers for a long, long time. They all hope that time can stay at this moment for a while longer.

However, time will not stop because of their wishes.

"Shall we go back?" Zi Meng looked up at Di Yuanmo, but Di Yuanmo didn't speak, looked at Zi Meng for a while, then nodded.

This time, Di Yuanmo was not in a hurry to take Zimeng back, but took her hand and walked back slowly.

"Mo..." Following behind Di Yuanmo, Zi Meng called softly, and Di Yuanmo turned to look at her.

"Thank you." Zi Meng looked up, with a warm smile on her face.

"Why do you want to thank me all of a sudden?" Di Yuanmo was puzzled, well, Zi Meng thanked him suddenly, which made him a little at a loss.

Moreover, the relationship between him and Zimeng doesn't need to be thanked anymore, right?
"Because, since I got here, you have always taken good care of me, and I seem to have been causing trouble for you.

However, at the beginning, you didn't take care of me. Instead, every time you saw me, you would beat me away. If it wasn't for my fate, you would have died several times. "

Zi Meng looked at Di Yuanmo helplessly, and Di Yuanmo laughed when he recalled when he and Zi Meng first met.

At that time, Zimeng looked lewd when he saw him, and at that time, Di Yuanmo didn't understand Zimeng at all, so when Zimeng approached, it was normal for him to strike suddenly .

Of course, at that time, Di Yuanmo never thought that there would be such a result between him and Zi Meng.

I don't know when he started, but he couldn't take his eyes off Zimeng.

"Are you still laughing?" Zimeng looked at the smile on Di Yuanmo's mouth, and rolled her eyes helplessly, but soon, she also laughed.

They were really ridiculous back then!

"I think, if I hadn't gone to the Liuli School to find you, I would have regretted it now." Di Yuanmo held Zi Meng's hand tightly, and Zi Meng looked at him.

"However, I've always been curious. Back then, when I hadn't come out in the cave, why did you suddenly appear? In my impression, you don't seem to be someone who likes to go out."

Zimeng looked at Di Yuanmo puzzled, not to blame her for being curious, in fact, it was also because, since she knew Di Yuanmo, Di Yuanmo seldom went out.

When Zimeng lived in the National Teacher's Mansion, she could see Emperor Yuanmo every day.

However, after she left, Di Yuanmo actually went to the Liuli School to find her, which made her very strange.

Di Yuanmo's footsteps stopped, and a blush appeared on his face, but when he turned his head, Zi Meng didn't see him.

But for Zimeng's question, he is also very helpless!He really couldn't and would never tell Zimeng about this problem.

Because, this matter is really embarrassing to Di Yuanmo!
"What's the matter? Is this question difficult?" Zi Meng didn't hear Di Yuanmo's answer for a long time, so she walked up to Di Yuanmo and looked at him.

(End of this chapter)

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