Chapter 664 Just kick it out

"I'll go back and explain to the Patriarch, don't worry!" Mo Yuluo patted Mo Qiran on the shoulder, and Mo Qiran nodded, that was the only way to go.

"Great, I can stay!" Seeing Mo Qiran nodding, Mo Qiqi jumped up excitedly, and then collided with Sheng Ge who came over carefully carrying tea.

The tea was gone, the teapot and cup were ruined, the clothes were wet, and the two of them fell to the ground together.

Zimeng covered her face and didn't look at them. Why did she feel that there would be a lot of troubles in the future?
Besides, why does she feel like being entangled again?
This feeling is really not very good!

Ling Siyun looked at the two people who fell on the ground and giggled, and lowered her head helplessly.

"Zimeng, I will trouble you to take care of Qiqi during this time. Her personality is a bit troublesome. If you can't stand it, just kick her out."

Mo Qiran looked at Zimeng, and spoke indifferently. Mo Qiqi, who just got up from the ground, staggered when he heard Mo Qiran's words, and almost fell headlong.

Did her elder brother really say that?
Did she hear it right?

"I said, Mo Qiran, I'm your sister, right? Is it really okay for you to speak like that? It will destroy our relationship, okay?"

Mo Qiqi rushed to Mo Qiran's side, regardless of whether the clothes on her body were dirty, she spoke angrily, and Mo Qiran stepped back, staying away from Mo Qiqi.

Seeing Mo Qiran's actions, Mo Qiqi became even more dissatisfied, she wished she could just rush over and beat Mo Qiran up!
However, it was obvious that she couldn't beat Mo Qiran!
"I'm telling the truth. I know it very well. What if you cause trouble for Zimeng here? Zimeng has a lot of things to do here."

Mo Qiqi gave Mo Qiqi a blank look, and Mo Qiqi pouted directly, although what Mo Qiran said was the truth, but speaking in front of him, wasn't it a bit too direct and too embarrassing for her? Already?
It's so sad for Mo Qiran to say that to such a fanciful girl!
What do you mean you can be kicked out directly?What should I do if I am injured?

"It doesn't matter, anyway, we don't need her as a troublemaker here." Zi Meng looked at Sheng Ge who hadn't stood up from the ground, Sheng Ge seemed to understand who Zi Meng was talking about, looked up, and smiled embarrassedly at Zi Meng laugh.

Mo Qiran still looked at Mo Qiqi worriedly, hoping that she could adapt to life here, but it would be better if she could learn more from Zimeng.

Of course, from Mo Qiran's point of view, what she wants to learn is Zi Meng's good side, as for the nympho, forget it!
Mo Qiran did not forget that when he and Zi Meng met for the first time, Zi Meng showed that nymphomaniac look. Although, it got better after that, he didn't want Mo Qiqi to become like Zi Meng.

If she really becomes like that, I'm afraid that in the future, the Patriarch will never let Mo Qiqi leave the Mo family for half a step!
"Zimeng, congratulations on becoming the head of the Liuli Sect. Although I really want to help you here, the Asura Sect still has a lot of work to do, so the sect master and I left."

Mo Yuluo pulled Mo Qiqi aside, then looked up at Zi Meng, who nodded.

Since Mo Yuluo came here to say goodbye to her, Li Yuange must have gone to Xing Yage's grave to say goodbye, right?

"If you need help with anything, just let me know, and I will do my best to help."

(End of this chapter)

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