Chapter 674 Blood Grass

However, she had forgotten, how could it be possible that none of these people made trouble?

"Siyun, there is news that those who left the Liuli Sect are all willing to leave. In the future, if someone dares to come to the Liuli Sect to cause trouble because of this matter, don't blame me for killing Wushe!"

Zimeng was quiet for a while, then suddenly turned her head to look at Ling Siyun, Ling Siyun was startled by Zimeng's words.

Do troublemakers kill without mercy?
How many people do you need to finish the calculation?I'm afraid there will be many people who will come to trouble you in the future, right?
"If someone comes to look for something, then come and look for it. It just so happens that it's time to give us the Liuli faction!" Zimeng's mouth curled into a sneer, Ling Siyun thought for a while, and nodded in agreement.

The current Liuli Sect is no longer as peaceful as before, so Li Liwei should also be established.

I am afraid that this is the only way for the Liuli faction to truly stand up, right?
"I'll do it now!" After Ling Siyun left, Zimeng went to the hot spring that Di Yuanmo took her to before, took a comfortable bath, and changed into clean clothes.

Then, after sitting in the forest for a long, long time, looking at the flying birds and butterflies, Zimeng smiled at the corner of her mouth, she finally thought of it.

Flying back into the room, Zimeng started to get busy. A painting gradually appeared on the drawing paper. It was a very simple painting with only a pair of wings. In the middle of the wings was a hexagonal three-dimensional shape, like a crystal. Stone general.

Afterwards, Zimeng nodded in satisfaction, this is what she wanted, and this is what she has been unable to draw these days.

Zi Meng took the finished painting in her hand and looked at it carefully. Before, seeing those flying birds and butterflies in the forest, Zi Meng wanted to understand what she really wanted.

The hexagonal rhombus in the middle symbolizes the colored glaze of the Liuli School, and the pair of wings symbolizes flying high!

The implication of this painting is that the Liuli School will spread its wings and fly high!

"Mu Xi!" Zi Meng called out Mu Xi from the sea of ​​sun, moon and stars. Mu Xi blinked her watery eyes and looked at Zi Meng.

"Mu Xi, do you know, is there any written word that can make the traces never disappear?" Zi Meng looked at Mu Xi, who tilted his head for a while and nodded slightly.

"Master, what are you doing?" Mu Xi looked at Zi Meng puzzled.

"I'm useful, so, tell me, what kind of herb is it? Where can I find it?" Zi Meng gently pinched Mu Xi's small face, Mu Xi didn't dodge, and Zi Meng pinched enough.

"Master, I only know one kind of herb, but it's not easy to find, and it must be guarded by spirit beasts or high-level spirit beasts."

Mu Xi thought about it, and gave Zi Meng the answer, Zi Meng stroked her chin and thought about it.

Even if she is guarded by spirit beasts, as long as she can find them, she must have a way. When the time comes, let Mu Xi cultivate some more.

Maybe, you can still make money with those herbs!
"It's okay, you just need to tell me what it is, and I'll take care of the rest." Zi Meng withdrew her hand and looked at Mu Xi.

"Blood grass!" Mu Xi didn't know what Zi Meng was useful for, but since Zi Meng asked, Mu Xi had no reason to continue to hide.

"Blood grass?" Zi Meng blinked in confusion.

With such a weird name, Zimeng felt that the process of collecting herbs seemed a bit dangerous!

"Well, the roots and leaves of the Blood Grass, including the sap, are all blood red, just like human blood, that's why it got this name."

(End of this chapter)

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