Chapter 680

"It's here." Fu Zijin led Zimeng and the others to the edge of the cliff, then lowered his head and looked at the cliff.

"Although I know it's here, I'm not sure if it's still there. You guys wait here, I'll go down and have a look."

As Fu Zijin said, he was about to make an appointment to go down the cliff, but was stopped by Zimeng. Fu Zijin looked at Zimeng in puzzlement.

"Even if I want to go down, I will go down. You and Qiqi are waiting for me here. I just need to confirm the existence of the blood grass."

Zi Meng really didn't expect that the place where Mu Xi said the blood grass grows would be on such a dangerous cliff.

That's not what Mu Xi said at the time!

What he said is that the blood grass grows in the crevices of the rocks, and it is in this direction.

"No, there may not be any guards there, let me go and see first!" Fu Zijin disagreed to let Zimeng go down first, so he jumped directly.

Zi Meng didn't even want to pull, but Fu Zijin had already jumped down, and she couldn't jump down again to make trouble, so she and Mo Qiqi waited on top.

"Zimeng, what exactly does this person do?" Mo Qiqi turned to look at Zimeng after Fu Zijin left.

"He is the disciple of an opponent of my master, but if they are opponents, they can also be said to be friends." Zimeng felt a headache thinking about the scene when Tang Jingcheng and Lu Guanghe were together.

Therefore, it is quite correct for Fu Zijin to sneak out.

"I don't understand it at all, but I can say that he is very considerate to you. Tell me, what will happen to him if Master Guoshi sees it?"

Mo Qiqi's eyes gleamed with evil light, approaching Zimeng, very gossiping.

"What will happen to him, so now I want to know even more, what will happen to you if I push you off the cliff?"

Zi Meng looked at Mo Qiqi with a smile, Mo Qiqi was a little far away from Zi Meng, she was just joking, why don't you just throw her off the cliff so cruelly?

Zi Meng ignored her, but lowered her head, looking at the bottom of the cliff, Fu Zijin was descending carefully, Zi Meng's heart was in her throat.

"Is there anything wrong?" Zimeng asked worriedly.

"Seeing that he went down so confidently, he should be all right?" Mo Qiqi stood beside Zi Meng, also stretched out her head to look, Zi Meng turned to look at her, and nodded.

That's right, Fu Zijin will be fine if he continues with such confidence, and even though many times the pharmacist's strength is not as good as other warriors.

However, many people have forgotten that the places where many rare medicinal materials are located are dangerous. If there is no strong strength, the pharmacist will only have a dead end.

After a while, Fu Zijin came up, and after standing firmly beside Zimeng and the others, he shook his head directly at Zimeng.

Zimeng blinked her eyes, and really wanted to ask what Fu Zijin meant by shaking her head?Is there no or no or no?
"I saw the blood grass, but, there is a spirit beast guarding it, so there is no way to get close." Seeing Zi Meng's confused look, Fu Zijin explained it funny, Zi Meng frowned, and looked down at the bottom of the cliff.

The situation below is not clear at all, and I don't know what the so-called spirit beast looks like.

Fu Zijin even said that there was no way to get close, so how could he pick the blood grass?

If the blood grass hadn't been picked, wouldn't it be a waste of time for her to come out this time?Even if she went back, she would be very unwilling.

(End of this chapter)

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