Chapter 712

What Zimeng said is not unreasonable, I'm afraid, without them in front of them, Yu Tingxi will be kicked out soon.

At that time, Zimeng will definitely blame herself, so she can only let Yutingxi be with them.

However, Yu Tingxi is very against them now, it is impossible to go out with them.

"I don't know if Li Yuange is here, I hope she's okay!" Zi Meng looked at Yu Tingxi and sighed helplessly. Yu Tingxi looked up at Zi Meng, tilted her head for a while, and walked slowly to In front of Zi Meng.

"I've seen an older brother who was expressionless and frozen in ice." Yu Tingxi's voice was so small that Zi Meng thought she had heard it wrong.

Fortunately, Zimeng's strength is not bad, so she understood Yutingxi's words clearly.

"Expressionless? It must be Li Yuange, Tingxi, do you know where he is?" Zimeng ignored Yu Tingxi's words of freezing, and only remembered Yu Tingxi's expressionless expression.

Zimeng was too excited, but it scared Yu Tingxi again. Yutingxi backed away and looked at Zimeng timidly.

However, seeing that Zimeng was just happy and didn't mean to hit her, he was relieved.

"Zi'er, calm down, she just said that that guy was frozen, even if you found him, so what?"

Di Yuanmo looked at Zimeng helplessly, Zimeng blinked her eyes, and finally calmed down.

Di Yuanmo didn't say anything, but Zi Meng really forgot about it, but now, Zi Meng really calmed down, sitting on the side, watching Yu Tingxi in a daze, not knowing what she was thinking at all.

"Whether it's him or not, we must go and see first, Tingxi, can you take us to see? He should be the person we are looking for."

Zimeng looked at Yu Tingxi, with some pleading in her eyes, Yu Tingxi hesitated for a while, then nodded slightly.

She carefully put Lucky back into Zimeng's arms, and then ran out directly, Zimeng and Di Yuanmo hurriedly followed.

They walked in the snow for a long time, leaving three strings of footprints of different sizes and shades on the ground.

After a gust of wind, the footprints disappeared again.

"Tingxi, how far is it?" Zimeng looked at Yutingxi who was walking ahead, she turned her head to look at Zimeng, then turned her head again and pointed to the cave not far away.

Zimeng looked around, there was nothing here, why did Li Yuange come here?
Could it be that Shi Yu came here?
Shouldn't it?
"Tingxi, where is the treasure of your Ice and Snow Clan?" Zimeng thought for a while, then said lightly, Yu Tingxi's footsteps stopped suddenly, she turned her head and looked at Zimeng, with a hint of vigilance in her eyes.

"Don't look at me so vigilantly, I just want to ask, I'm not interested in your treasures." Seeing Yu Tingxi's appearance, Zi Meng couldn't help laughing.

Yu Tingxi turned around and continued to walk forward. Her instinct made her choose to believe in Zimeng, because Zimeng was the first person who treated her well.

"I don't know where the treasure is. They don't allow me to approach it." Yu Tingxi walked forward, while softly answering Zi Meng's previous question, Zi Meng's footsteps paused slightly.

"It's okay, I'm just asking." Zimeng's voice was like the sun in the sky, like sunlight, shining on Yutingxi little by little.

Yu Tingxi couldn't help but want to get closer, but she didn't dare to get closer. She was afraid that she would fall into Zi Meng's tenderness.

(End of this chapter)

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