Chapter 721 How Can It Be Wasted?
After finding a safe cave, Di Yuanmo placed Zi Meng on a warm soft chair, and lit a fire in the cave. Zi Meng looked at Di Yuanmo's busy figure, and her vision became more and more blurred.

"Zi'er?" Di Yuanmo reached out and gently stroked Zi Meng's face, but Zi Meng didn't respond at all.

A ray of light radiated from Zi Meng's forehead, and the little Mu Xi stood in front of Di Yuan Mo.

However, Mu Xi didn't look at Di Yuanmo, after he came out, his eyes were on Zi Meng.

"Who is so hateful! What can I do to use such vicious poison on my master? I can't absorb this kind of poison!"

Mu Xi looked at Zi Meng tearfully, and Di Yuanmo was startled when he heard Mu Xi's words. Before, he was not worried because he knew that Mu Xi would absorb all the toxins in Zi Meng's body.

However, Mu Xi actually said that he couldn't absorb the toxin from Zi Meng's body, so what should I do?
"Mu Xi, can't you do it?" Di Yuanmo looked down at Mu Xi, Mu Xi shook his head, he couldn't help it, he had tried before, but there was nothing he could do.

Di Yuanmo looked at Zi Meng with a frown, there must be a way, and Zi Meng will be fine.

Di Yuanmo helped Zi Meng up, ready to use his spiritual power to force out the toxins in Zi Meng's body.

"What is this?" Mu Xi looked around the cave, but saw the white flower thrown aside by Di Yuanmo, and immediately rushed over with his eyes shining.

"Wannian Ice Lotus? It's really Wannian Ice Lotus. Great, now, the master is saved!" Mu Xi's excited voice attracted Di Yuanmo's attention. Di Yuanmo turned his head to look over, Mu Xi He had already run back to Zimeng's side with the Wannian Binglian.

He tore off a petal without feeling sorry, and stuffed it into Zimeng's mouth, but Zimeng, who was unconscious at this time, couldn't swallow it no matter what.

"Master, this can detoxify your body, why don't you eat it soon?" Mu Xi looked at Zi Meng anxiously, but Zi Meng didn't respond at all.

"This can detoxify?" Di Yuanmo looked at Mu Xi, and Mu Xi nodded pitifully. Although it can detoxify, Zimeng has no reaction at all, how can he eat it?

Di Yuanmo looked at Zi Meng, and then at the Wannian Binglian in Mu Xi's arms.

He reached out to take the ice lotus and put it in his mouth. Mu Xi watched Di Yuanmo eat the ice lotus, and immediately wanted to snatch the ice lotus back, but he was too small, so there was nothing he could do!
Di Yuanmo lowered his head and kissed Zimeng's lips, dripping the juice of the Wannian ice lotus into Zimeng's mouth.

Mu Xi's movement of snatching just now has calmed down, staring blankly at Di Yuanmo's movement.

Di Yuanmo kept repeating this action until the Wannian Ice Lotus in his hand was running out, then he stopped and looked at Zimeng quietly.

At this time, Di Yuanmo was extremely fortunate, he hadn't thrown away the ten thousand year ice lotus before, otherwise, now, there would be no way to save Zimeng.

"Why don't you wake up?" Di Yuanmo saw that Zimeng had taken Wannian Binglian, but still didn't wake up, and immediately became anxious again.

But what's the use of being anxious?Zimeng can't wake up, so there's nothing he can do about it?

And Mu Xi didn't care about them at this time.

But sitting on the side, looking at the few remaining ten thousand-year ice lotus tossed by Di Yuanmo, his heart aches, this is a treasure, only a few petals are needed, how can so much be wasted?

(End of this chapter)

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