Chapter 760

"Queen, shall we give up?" The prince looked at the queen, who gave him a glare.

"You are worthless, you are the crown prince, how can you be compared to this evil breed? Beili Zimeng's identity is not simple, she is the head of the Liuli sect, but many people helped her back then.

If you hold her in your hand, when you succeed to the throne, she will be there to see who dares to oppose you. No matter what, you have to contact Beili Zimeng and grab her. "

The queen ignored the expressions of the others, and whispered to the prince. The prince looked at Mo Xie, who had nothing to do with him not far away, and then at his mother, and frowned.

If you really want to get involved with Zimeng, I'm afraid, not to mention the crown prince and the throne, you may even lose your life, right?

Judging from Di Yuanmo's attitude towards Zi Meng, I'm afraid that he didn't just say that Zi Meng was his fiancée.

Master Guoshi has given enough respect to the royal family, but it does not mean that someone can go against his words.

It does not mean that someone can go against his will.

The queen has provoked Zimeng and killed Zimeng's master. Zimeng doesn't care about her because she is the queen, but the queen always wants to control Zimeng in her hands. Is it really okay to go on like this?

The prince didn't know that the reason why Zimeng didn't come to find the queen was not because Zimeng didn't care about it, but because Zimeng was busy and forgot about it for the time being. When the time came, she would naturally come to make trouble.

"Did you hear what I said?" The queen did not hear the prince's response, turned her head, and looked at the prince dissatisfied.

Although the prince is her biological son, and also the only biological son, it doesn't mean that the prince can disobey her.

"Mother, do you really think that there will be results if this continues? If Bei Li Zimeng is hurt, he will not let us go. He is the master of the national teacher, and even the emperor respects the national teacher a little bit." people."

The prince looked at the queen, and the queen immediately looked at the prince with some dissatisfaction. Although the prince was telling the truth, the queen was absolutely unwilling to let Zimeng grow up day by day like this.


"Okay, stop talking, it's really useless, you are a prince, and in the future, you will be the lord of a country, so you are afraid of such a woman? You are useless!"

The queen's words made the prince not continue to speak, but just stood aside quietly, watching Zimeng and the others chatting and laughing as they left.

To be honest, seeing them like this, the prince is really not reconciled. He is a prince, and these people just look down on him by ignoring his departure.

However, as a prince, he also knows that he has seen all kinds of people. At this time, if Zimeng is provoked, it will definitely not end well!

But if he really left it alone, he wouldn't be reconciled!
"I advise you, don't draw her attention, otherwise, it will be too late to regret." Mo Xie walked past them, stopped and turned to look at them, reminding her.

It's not that Mo Xie is kind, it's just that he doesn't want them to make trouble for Zi Meng.

However, he has reminded that if they still go to trouble, what will happen in the future, then don't care about his business.

"Mo Xie, don't think that you dare to talk to me like this now that you are protected by the National Teacher." The queen frowned and looked at Mo Xie, who turned his head and looked at her coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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