Chapter 766

"Do you smell something?" Zimeng said lightly, Bei Liwan and Bei Liyang shook their heads together.

They come here often and never smell anything in the room.

Hearing Zimeng's voice, Jiang Fei opened his eyes, saw Zimeng, sat up, and smiled at her.

"Why did you come here together?" Jiang Fei looked at Zimeng, Zimeng went to the bed and sat down, looking at Jiang Fei.

"I said, sister-in-law, you are not feeling well, why didn't you tell me? Although I may not be good enough, but it is still okay to see a doctor for you?"

Zimeng looked at Jiang Fei helplessly, Jiang Fei just smiled at her, but didn't speak.

She just knew that Zimeng was very busy recently, so she didn't let Zimeng know about her condition.

She didn't want Zimeng to work on her affairs.

"Let me take your pulse first!" Zi Meng stretched out her hand to feel Jiang Fei's pulse. After Bei Li Haoyu and the others came over, they all looked at Zi Meng quietly to feel her pulse.

Zi Meng took a long time to feel her pulse, and her brows were tightly knit together. When Zi Meng withdrew her hand, Bei Li Haoyu hurried over.

"Zimeng, how are you?" Bei Li Haoyu looked at Zimeng.

"It's strange, logically speaking, if it's poisoning, I should be able to detect it, but I didn't feel any poison in my sister-in-law's body.

Moreover, there is no injury, but I always feel that there is something wrong with my sister-in-law's body, but I can't detect anything. What's going on? "

Zimeng got up in some doubts, touched her chin, and walked around the room.

Everyone's eyes moved back and forth following Zimeng, Zimeng's brows were tightly knit together, as if there was something he couldn't figure out.

No one dared to speak, for fear of disturbing Zimeng's train of thought.

"Little..." Bei Liwan looked at Zimeng's dumbfounded look, and couldn't help but speak, but Bei Liyang couldn't stop her. Bei Liyang shook her head at her, and she swallowed the words that came to her lips.

"Sister-in-law, have you been to any special place?" Zimeng was quiet for a long time before turning her head to look at Jiang Fei. Jiang Fei shook her head lightly. Ever since she married Beili Haoyu, she never I have been out of Beili's house.

So, I haven't been to any special place.

Seeing Jiang Fei shaking his head, Zi Meng rubbed his chin, looked down at Jiang Fei, hadn't been to any special place, so what's going on?
It's really weird, isn't it?
"Little aunt, mother, what's going on here?" Bei Liwan walked to Zimeng's side and looked at Zimeng worriedly.

"I'm sorry, Wan'er, I really don't know what's going on with my sister-in-law's body. I've thought of many possibilities, but none of them seem quite right."

Zi Meng turned her head and looked at Jiang Fei. Jiang Fei's face was not as pale or blue or purple as in poisoning, but very ruddy. What's going on?
Zimeng always felt that Jiang Fei seemed to be hiding something from them. If she didn't ask these things clearly, Jiang Fei's body would never recover!
"Father, brother, can you go out first? I want to give my sister-in-law a good checkup." After Zi Meng made up her mind, she turned to look at Bei Li Xinhong and Bei Li Haoyu.

They believed in Zimeng unconditionally. Zimeng wanted to check Jiang Fei's body. It was indeed inappropriate for them to be here, so they walked out together.

(End of this chapter)

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