Chapter 769 Heart Eater Gu

"Sister-in-law, what is this? Why don't you speak?" Seeing that Jiang Fei was silent, Zi Meng looked at her anxiously.

However, Jiang Fei just smiled at Zimeng, and didn't intend to tell Zimeng the truth about this thing.

"Yuan, you know, right, what is that? Besides, it's still alive."

Although Zi Meng's body also has this kind of thing, but that thing can't move!
What is inside Jiang Fei's body is a living thing that can move. As a doctor, Zi Meng feels that this thing is really terrifying!

"The unique Gu worms of the demon world." Di Yuanmo said softly, and Zi Meng blinked. The unique Gu worms of the demon race, but what exactly are they?
"Heart-eating Gu!" Seeing Zi Meng's doubts, Di Yuanmo spoke again. This time, Zi Meng really froze there.

It turns out that the Gu worms that appear in the novel really exist in this world?
But how to take it out?

If this thing is in Jiang Fei's body all the time, I'm afraid it will be dangerous, right?

"Sister-in-law, tell me, how do you take this thing out? I'll take it out for you!" Zi Meng looked at Jiang Fei anxiously, and Jiang Fei shook his head.

"Zi'er, don't worry, this thing can't be taken out just by taking it, if it is not done well, it will be fatal."

Di Yuanmo pulled the anxious Zimeng back and sat beside him. Zimeng turned to look at Diyuanmo, and then at Jiang Fei.

Jiang Fei smiled at Zimeng, she knew that Zimeng cared about her, but she really didn't want Zimeng to be busy with her affairs.

However, looking at Zimeng's appearance, Zimeng will not give up until she gets an answer.

"Heart-biting Gu is different from other Gu insects. If you want to take it out, you must have the mother Gu. If there is no mother Gu, when it is taken out of my body, it is also when I die."

Jiang Fei said that, although it was a bit exaggerated, but it was also the truth.

If it is really taken out, I am afraid that Jiang Fei will also be severely injured.

"It's okay, Zimeng, don't worry, although my body will be very weak with the Heart-biting Gu in my body, but it will definitely not pose any danger to my life.

Moreover, no one knows where the mother Gu of the Heart-biting Gu is now, so don't be busy with my affairs, okay? "

Jiang Fei looked at Zimeng very seriously, Zimeng lowered her head, not knowing what she was thinking, Di Yuanmo looked at Zimeng, and also frowned.

I'm afraid that Zi Meng has already made up her mind to find the mother Gu to save Jiang Fei, but the mother Gu will not be found in the devil world for a while.

"Zi'er, no matter what you do, you can't hide it from me, you know?" Di Yuanmo asked Zi Meng very seriously, Zi Meng turned to look at Di Yuanmo, and smiled at him.

Although Zimeng also thought so, the devil world was a place that Di Yuanmo didn't like very much, so she didn't want Di Yuanmo to go back with her.

Since the Heart-eating Gu is a unique Gu worm in the Demon Realm, the mother Gu of the Heart-eating Gu must be found in the Demon Realm.

"My lord, I think there is something I have to tell you, so can I chat with you alone for a while?"

Jiang Fei was quiet for a while, then looked at Di Yuanmo, who frowned, and looked at Zi Meng.

Zimeng looked at Jiang Fei in some puzzlement, then shrugged at Di Yuanmo and left the room.

Jiang Fei said that she wanted to talk to Di Yuanmo alone, then she would leave space for them.

(End of this chapter)

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