Chapter 772 Zi Meng's thoughts (2)

Why were they so helpless when they heard Zi Meng mention Di Yuanmo?
"I know, I just leave this trivial matter to me." Qinglong may be the one who knows Zimeng best, so instead of directly asking about Zimeng's situation, he left with Baihu and Xuanwu who wanted to ask.

"Qinglong, why don't you let me ask about the situation?" Baihu looked at Qinglong puzzled, and Qinglong sighed.

"At this time, no matter what you ask, Zimeng won't say it. Didn't you see that the smile on her face is fake?"

Qinglong rolled his eyes, Baihu and Xuanwu looked at each other with some puzzlement, and then looked at Qinglong together.

"The deity thought, something must have happened between these two people, we can't control these things, so let's settle the matter that Zimeng explained first.

As for the matter between the two of them, let them solve it by themselves, we can manage it for a while, but we can't for a while! "

Qinglong sighed, Xuanwu and Baihu silently followed Qinglong.

At this time, Emperor Yuanmo was still in the mansion of the national teacher, secretly hurting himself, never thinking that Zimeng had left Beili's house at this time.

"I said, you should have thought about this a long time ago, right? What's the use of being so sad here now?"

Jun Mojiu sat on the side, looking at Di Yuanmo's appearance, wishing to punch Di Yuanmo to wake him up.

Seeing Di Yuanmo sitting there with a lost look, Jun Mojiu was very angry, very angry.

"You already knew about this, right? Why didn't you tell me?" Di Yuanmo raised his head and looked at Jun Mojiu coldly. Jun Mojiu didn't back down at all, and looked straight at Di Yuanmo.

"Yes, I knew about this a long time ago. I have already reminded you, haven't I?" Jun Mojiu looked at Di Yuanmo very seriously. Di Yuanmo didn't speak anymore, but looked at Jun Mojiu.

"By the way, Bei Liyang sent someone to send this letter just now. I think you will understand what you should do after reading it."

Jun Mojiu put Zi Meng's letter in front of Di Yuanmo. Di Yuanmo looked at the handwriting on it and thought of the scene where Zi Meng painted him. He knew that it was Zi Meng's handwriting.

Jun Mojiu watched as Di Yuanmo picked up the letter, turned and left, took two steps, stopped but didn't look back, "Di Yuanmo, if you can't make a decision, I will make it impossible for you to approach Zi Zi again." cute.

I know that you are the only one in Zimeng's heart, but if you can't forget that woman, you are not qualified to stand by her side, nor to have her. "

After Jun Mojiu said this, he left directly. He was afraid that if he continued to stay here, looking at Di Yuanmo's appearance, he couldn't help but hit her!
Di Yuanmo watched Jun Mojiu leave, and then, lowered his head, looked at the letter in his hand again. The delicate and familiar handwriting made Di Yuanmo's hand tremble uncontrollably.

This is the letter Zimeng left him, isn't Zimeng at Beili's house?Why don't you just come to him if you need anything?Why don't you write to him?
He carefully opened the letter in his hand. There were not many words in it.

'I know, right now, your mind is in a mess, so I won't ask you anything, and I won't force you to do anything. During this time, you should just be quiet, I think, I'm going to have to be quiet too. .

There are a lot of things about the Liuli faction, so I will go back first, sorry, there are some troublemakers around me, so I will not go to you, take care. '

(End of this chapter)

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