Chapter 778
"Zi'er, promise me that if you want to do something, you must tell me, okay?" Di Yuanmo looked at Zi Meng with ecstatic eyes, a little worried.

According to Zimeng's personality, she already knew about this matter, and it was impossible to ignore it, especially since many people were involved in this matter.

Zi Meng looked at Di Yuanmo and nodded, seeing Zi Meng being so obedient, Di Yuanmo was even more worried!
She will never be so obedient, especially when she is so well-behaved, she must have paid attention to something else.

"Zi'er, no matter what, you can't act casually, you know?" Di Yuanmo looked at Zi Meng seriously, Zi Meng nodded, and did not refute Di Yuanmo's words.

However, I'm afraid that Di Yuanmo is also very clear about what she thinks in her heart, so before Zi Meng didn't know, Di Yuanmo had secretly made a decision that he would stay by Zi Meng's side.

No matter whether Zimeng agrees or not, he will stay by Zimeng's side and protect her!
Zimeng lay on the grass, looking at the two connected stars in the sky, and didn't respond for a long time. When Di Yuanmo turned his head to look over, he found that Zimeng had fallen asleep.

"Master hasn't had much rest these days, let her sleep here for a while!" Lucky slipped out from there, looking at Zimeng distressedly.

Although Zimeng didn't say anything and didn't let it out, it could still feel it in the Shenjing space.

These few days, Zimeng hasn't had much rest.

Di Yuanmo lowered his head and looked at Zimeng, feeling very distressed. He took out a delicate soft chair and put it on a stable place. Then, he gently picked Zimeng up and put him on the soft chair.

After that, he sat there motionless, looking at Zimeng, this time he was wrong, so, in the future, he will never make such a mistake again.

Di Yuanmo slowly raised his hand and put it on his chest. As his hand moved slightly, a very small silver thread floated out following Di Yuanmo's finger.

Di Yuanmo looked at the silver thread, a faint smile rose from the corner of his mouth, and then his hand moved slowly and stopped at Zimeng's heart,

The silver thread, as if it had found a place to go, went straight into Zimeng's heart.

Zimeng didn't react to all of this, she looked at Lucky from the side, and looked at Di Yuanmo worriedly.

"That is your life thread? You put it in the heart of the master. If one day, you betray the master, you will be in pain."

Lucky looked up at Di Yuanmo, and Di Yuanmo smiled at it without denying it.

"If the master finds out, he will definitely blame himself. You have to know that once the life thread has decided where to go, there is no way to take it out."

Lucky looked at Di Yuanmo, who bent down, picked up Lucky, and put it on the soft couch.

Of course he knew about this matter, and it was because of this that he did this. His life was in Zimeng's place. If his heart wavered, he would be in pain. This is the punishment he gave himself!

The punishment for betraying Zimeng!
"Forget it, you and the master are bothersome, I don't care about you, you can do whatever you want!" Lucky sat there helplessly, looking at Di Yuanmo and Zimeng.

Di Yuanmo didn't speak, but just looked at Zimeng with a warm smile on the corner of his mouth.

Ling Siyun and the others had been busy in the Liuli School for a long time, but they didn't see Zi Meng come back, so they went out to search together, and after searching around, they came here.

(End of this chapter)

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