Chapter 780 I'm Sorry

"I want to be with you." Di Yuanmo looked at Zi Meng aggrievedly, the corners of Zi Meng's mouth could not help but tugged, is this guy okay?

The only thing is to let him go back to his room, why are you so wronged?

This made Zimeng feel that she seemed to have done something wrong.

"Anyway, you've seen it all before, and it seems that you haven't checked my body since I was able to stand up. Do you want to come here once you have time?"

As he said that, Di Yuanmo took off his clothes in front of Zimeng, and Zimeng opened her mouth in surprise.

Why does Di Yuanmo seem to be a different person?Is it really okay to take off your clothes in front of her so simply?

Could it be that Di Yuanmo wasn't afraid that she couldn't hold back for a moment and throw him down?
Then, come again and refuse to admit it!

Looking at Di Yuanmo's thin but solid chest, Zi Meng couldn't help swallowing, and Di Yuanmo looked at Zi Meng, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Come here." Di Yuanmo half-lyed on the bed, stretched out his hand to Zi Meng, and the corner of Zi Meng's mouth twitched violently.

"You monster!" Zi Meng couldn't help but speak, but Di Yuanmo just smiled and didn't care.

"If you said it, I would be honored." Di Yuanmo looked at Zimeng and smiled. Zimeng took a deep breath and decided to leave the room to calm down.

As a result, before Zimeng could turn around, Di Yuanmo waved his hand. Zimeng's body had already reached Diyuanmo's side involuntarily.

"Zi'er, I don't want to wait any longer, shall we get married?" Di Yuanmo stretched out his hand, and gently touched Zi Meng's small face, Zi Meng's body froze suddenly.

Only then did she realize that, did Di Yuanmo always expect them to get married?

However, because of Zimeng's worry, she seemed to have rejected him several times.

Di Yuanmo must be very uncomfortable in his heart, right?

"Yuan, I'm sorry!" Zi Meng stretched out her hand, touched Di Yuanmo's face, and apologized softly.

"Why did Zi'er apologize?" Di Yuanmo couldn't help raising his hand, covering Zimeng's hand, and looked at Zimeng.

A flash of apology flashed in Zimeng's eyes, Di Yuanmo was thinking of her all the time, but what about her?

The inexplicable irritability and inexplicable jealousy completely failed Di Yuanmo's kindness to her.

"I'm sorry, all this time, I seem to be capriciously enjoying your doting on me, but I haven't thought about it for you. You must be very disappointed, right?"

Zi Meng's eye sockets were slightly red, Di Yuanmo lowered his head, kissed Zi Meng's eyes lightly, and then looked directly into Zi Meng's eyes.

Looking at Di Yuanmo's indulgent eyes, Zi Meng always felt that she was even more sorry for Di Yuanmo.

"Fool, who am I not to spoil you? Why do you think so?" Di Yuanmo gently scratched Zimeng's nose, looked at Zimeng helplessly and smiled.

Zimeng watched Di Yuanmo curl her lips, seeing that tears were about to flow out, Di Yuanmo lowered his head and kissed her lips.

All Zi Meng's emotions were blocked by Di Yuanmo's kiss.

This time, Di Yuanmo was not as careless as before, and set up barriers around the room in advance, barriers that no one could enter.

Qinglong and the others were not there, and Lucky was locked in the Shenjing space, so the whole space belonged to him and Zimeng.

"Zi'er...I love you..." After Di Yuanmo's kiss ended, he lowered his head and looked at the flushed Zi Meng. Such a Zi Meng made him not want to bear it any longer.

(End of this chapter)

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