Chapter 816
Seeing Di Yuanmo's helpless expression, Zi Meng spoke slowly, Di Yuanmo was slightly taken aback, and sighed.

In fact, it's just embarrassing to tell what happened. If Zimeng really wants to know, he doesn't mind telling Zimeng about it.

"Although I really want to know, but looking at you, it seems that you don't want to say it, so I won't force you."

Zi Meng looked at Di Yuanmo very seriously, maybe she didn't even know it, the more sensible she was, the more she thought about Di Yuanmo, the more Di Yuanmo didn't want to hide her.

Zi Meng smiled at Di Yuanmo, and Di Yuanmo walked to Zi Meng's side, hugged Zi Meng in his arms, and rubbed his chin against Zi Meng's head.

Before Zimeng could speak, Di Yuanmo had already hugged Zimeng. Zimeng blinked in Diyuanmo's arms, and Di Yuanmo lifted her into the air.

Zimeng didn't know where Di Yuanmo was taking her, so she stayed in Di Yuanmo's arms obediently. After a long time knowing, Di Yuanmo stopped in front of a small cave.

"Yuan, what is this place?" Zi Meng looked at Di Yuanmo puzzled.

"The place where I grew up, these two days, I've always wanted to take you here to see." After Di Yuanmo smiled at Zimeng, he took Zimeng's hand and walked like a cave.

The cave is not as dark as Zimeng imagined, but very dry. Even walking in the cave, Zimeng can smell the faint fragrance of flowers.

Although I haven't seen the specifics yet, Zimeng can imagine that the environment inside must be very good.

Anyway, this is also where Di Yuanmo lives, and the environment must be good.

"Zi'er, this is the place where I have lived for many years. Although, now, only memories remain." Di Yuanmo held Zi Meng's hand and continued to walk forward. After walking through the cave, he looked at the place in front of him. Explain the situation to Zimeng.

Looking at the environment in front of her, Zi Meng opened her mouth in surprise. There are bright flowers blooming everywhere. Although it was just a glance, Zi Meng can be sure that those flowers are poisonous.

This is where Di Yuanmo grew up. Doesn't that mean that Di Yuanmo has always lived in this poisonous place?
Moreover, Zimeng remembered that Di Yuanmo said that there are his memories here, so is that also the memory of him and Mengxi?

Zimeng suddenly felt sour and very upset!
Di Yuanmo looked down at the expression on Zimeng's face, and a smile rose from the corner of his mouth.

"This is also the place where Ziyao lived at night." Di Yuanmo continued to speak, Zi Meng turned her head and looked at Di Yuanmo puzzled.

Zi Yaoye also lived here?So, Di Yuanmo and the others knew each other a long time ago?
"I think the reason you guys are stiff is because of Mengxi, right?" Zi Meng walked forward and spoke slowly, the corner of Di Yuanmo's mouth tugged slightly.

"You think too much." Di Yuanmo took two quick steps, put his arms around Zimeng's waist, and continued walking forward with a smile.

After walking for a while, they saw another cave. Di Yuanmo didn't go in, but stopped at the entrance of the cave.

Zimeng looked at Di Yuanmo in confusion, wondering why Di Yuanmo stopped. Could it be that there was something inside that made Di Yuanmo not want to go in?
Di Yuanmo frowned, looked at the cave in front of him and sighed, although he had already decided to bring Zimeng here, but he seemed not ready to enter the cave yet.

(End of this chapter)

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