Chapter 834 The Game Begins

The upcoming Dharma Protector election has attracted many people, they are very curious about the Liuli Sect's selection of Dharma Protector.

Because, recently, things about the Liuli faction have been the most. No matter what the reason is, as long as the Liuli faction makes a little move, it can attract many people.

Standing on a high place, Zimeng frowned as she watched the endless stream of people coming. With so many people gathered here, if something happened, it would definitely be a big deal.

"Master, do you want to refuse these people to enter?" Lan Ling whispered, seeing Zi Meng's worry.

Zi Meng shook her head lightly. They have all come in now. If they refuse again, it will be very bad for the Liuli faction. The current Liuli faction has just started, and nothing can happen!
"Lan Ling, let everyone pay attention to safety, there must be no accident at this time." Zi Meng turned her head and looked at Lan Ling, who nodded and left.

Yu Tingxi turned her head to look at Lan Ling who was leaving quickly, then looked at Zi Meng, and lowered her head. Although Yu Tingxi has changed a lot now, Zi Meng didn't seem to give her much work.

Every time Zimeng had something to do, she always called someone else to go, and rarely called her, she was very disappointed.

However, at this moment, Zimeng was watching the scene of people coming and going below, and didn't notice the changes in Yutingxi at all.

"Tingxi!" After Zimeng looked at it for a while, she suddenly spoke, and Yu Tingxi hurriedly looked at Zimeng.

"You go to Ling Siyun and tell her that Liuli Sect doesn't allow anyone to live in." Zi Meng spoke slowly, and Yu Tingxi hurried to find Ling Siyun.

Zimeng turned her head and continued to look at the people below. The Liuli School had been rebuilt, and they saw that the Liuli School was more brilliant than before. Many people were surprised.

"Isn't there still one month left?" Di Yuanmo fell slowly from the sky and stopped beside Zimeng.

"Well, something happened, so we have to start early." Zimeng said helplessly, Di Yuanmo gently put his arm around Zimeng's shoulders, and together with Zimeng looked at the ever-increasing number of people below.

Zimeng couldn't figure it out, it was just their Liuli faction's business, why did such a person come to join in the fun?

I really don't know whether they are here to join in the fun or to see a joke, which makes Zimeng really helpless?

However, these people have all come in, there is no reason for Zimeng to drive them away, is there?
"I asked Yuzhu and the others to come here too. If there's anything else, just leave it to them." Di Yuanmo looked down at Zimeng, and Zimeng nodded.

With Di Yuanmo around, Zimeng felt much at ease.

At the beginning of the game, Zi Meng didn't like those messy programs, so she simply said a few words and sat down.

Many people wanted to see Zimeng's face, but Zimeng's face was wearing the white gauze that the head of the Liuli School always wore, showing that no one could see her clearly.

At the beginning of the game, although everyone's strength is very good, there is still a big gap between what Zimeng wants.

"Master National Teacher, are you here too?" Just as Zimeng was watching the competition below, she heard a familiar voice.

Turning around and looking over, it turned out to be Qin Xue. At this time, she should be busy in the medical hall, right?Why are you here?
Zimeng looked around, only Qin Xue was alone, and there was no sign of Qin Yu, that is to say, she came alone?

"..." Di Yuanmo turned his head to look at Qin Xue, but did not speak, and continued to watch the game in front of him very calmly.

(End of this chapter)

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