Chapter 836 Attack on Zimeng
"However, are you sure to let that Qin Xue pester your man? If this continues, your man will be bored to death." Mo Qiqi turned her head and looked at Zi Meng.

Zimeng lowered her head and smiled, how could she let Qin Xue pester Di Yuanmo?Di Yuanmo is willing, but she is not willing!

No matter what, she will take care of this matter.

"Wow, it's the match between Ling Siyun and Dugu Mingxue! Zi Meng, Zi Meng, who do you think will win?" Mo Qiqi looked excitedly at Ling Siyun and Dugu Mingxue standing on the competition stage.

"Both of them are very strong, but Mingxue doesn't have Siyun's combat experience." Zimeng didn't say who would win, but her explanation had already told Mo Qiqi the answer.

After Mo Qiqi turned to look at Zimeng, he turned to look at the competition stage.

Although she believed Zi Meng's words, she still wanted to watch the battle between Ling Siyun and Dugu Mingxue, it would be very interesting, and she would definitely learn a lot.

Both Dugu Mingxue and Ling Siyun knew each other's moves, so they didn't hesitate, and directly launched their most powerful attack.

Dugu Mingxue's attack caused a layer of ice to gradually appear on the entire martial arts arena. Ling Siyun carefully avoided Dugu Mingxue's attack, and she also had to be careful of the ice under her feet so as not to slip.

Just when the ice covered the competition stage, those who were closer to the competition stage couldn't help shivering, because it was really cold.

"Too bad, now, Ling Siyun's range of activities will be reduced, and her attack will definitely be much weaker." Mo Qiqi sat up straight suddenly.

However, Zi Meng was not as impatient as Mo Qiqi, she looked at Ling Siyun and Dugu Mingxue with a smile on her lips.

Just when Mo Qiqi was in a hurry, Ling Siyun waved her hand, balls of flames fell on the ground, the ice melted immediately, and the entire competition platform was drenched with water.

"That's right, I forgot, Ling Siyun is of fire and wood, but wouldn't it be disadvantageous for Mingxue?"

Mo Qiqi laughed happily, but within a few minutes of laughing, his whole face suddenly became bitter.

Zi Meng rolled her eyes helplessly, then turned to look at Mo Qiqi, "Can you stop worrying so much? Neither of them is in a hurry, what are you in a hurry for? It's so noisy!"

Hearing that Zimeng said she was noisy, Mo Qiqi looked at Zimeng in disbelief.

Who is she making such noise for?Are you still worried about Zimeng?These two are the Dharma protectors that Zimeng likes, okay?
"I believe the two of them, even if one of them loses here, they can still win in other battles." Zi Meng turned her head and smiled at the aggrieved Mo Qiqi. Transferred from Zi Meng's body to the game.

The battle between Ling Siyun and Dugu Mingxue is still going on, because of their attacks, the people around them have experienced what is called the real double sky of ice and fire.

Those who came to watch the battle did not expect that even the current Liuli Sect would have such a powerful disciple.

There are many people present, but if they face each other, they will not end well.

Zimeng watched the battle between Ling Siyun and Dugu Mingxue with satisfaction, with them, even if something happened to her, it would be fine, the Liuli faction would never collapse.

At this moment, from one side, a fireball with the size of a human head flew towards Zimeng. Many people were startled by such a sudden scene.

(End of this chapter)

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