Chapter 844 Something happened again
Moreover, not only are these disciples so strong, but there is also a head who doesn't know the specific strength at all. They really want to know how deep the water of the Liuli Sect is.

Seeing that her fireball couldn't reach Yutingxi at all because of the ice wall, Lanling changed the fireball into a fire blade, and the fire blade smashed the ice wall of Yutingxi one by one.

Yu Tingxi hurriedly rolled on the spot, avoiding the attack of the fire blade, which was deeply embedded in the ground, and then gradually extinguished, leaving burn marks.

Yu Tingxi turned her head to look, and Lan Ling's fire blade had already been fired again. This time, Yu Tingxi took a deep breath, and did not dodge. Her hands were forward, and the cold air burst from her hands At this point, all the blades approaching her were wrapped in ice.

Moreover, amidst the cold ice, the fire blade has not been extinguished.

"It's so beautiful!" Zimeng looked excitedly at the combination of ice and fire, and everyone was also attracted by this scene, because this scene is really beautiful!
Seeing that the fire blade didn't work, Lan Ling suddenly mobilized the spiritual power in his body, and the flames rushed towards Yuting River like sea waves.

Yu Tingxi was frightened by this scene immediately, but soon, she reacted.

Her ice surged out in the same way, and the spiritual power of the two collided together, sparks and ice balls flew around, making the people around the competition stage feel the true duality of ice and fire.

They kept avoiding the sparks and ice balls, so they didn't get hurt.

Seeing this scene, Di Yuanmo hastily set up barriers around the competition platform so as not to cause a fire.

Zi Meng smiled at Di Yuanmo, and continued to watch the match between Lan Ling and Yu Tingxi. For Zi Meng, the impact of their two spiritual powers was more shocking than watching a movie.

Zi Meng looked very cool!
However, for Zimeng, now, she is not only for watching the fun, but she is also worried that these two will grow bigger and more excited, and she will not step forward to stop them at that time.

What if they don't control well and hurt her?

"The two of them won't be able to tell the difference until next year, right?" Di Yuanmo turned to look at Zimeng, and Zimeng also looked at him. In fact, Zimeng thought so too.

However, she can't just tell them to stop, can she?In this way, wouldn't it make people see more jokes?

"Zi'er..." Di Yuanmo stood up suddenly, and turned his head to look not far away. There, a figure flashed by, and Di Yuanmo frowned.

"Let's go and have a look, Siyun, I'll leave it to you here." Zimeng followed Di Yuanmo and got up, looking at Ling Siyun. Ling Siyun knew by looking at Zimeng's sharp eyes that something happened again!
Before she could nod her head, Di Yuanmo and Zi Meng flew away, and the figure in the distance also disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Are you sure it's her?" After Zimeng and Di Yuanmo stopped, they looked around for the figure, but the person who was still there just now had disappeared.

"It should be her. Her abilities are about the same as mine, but I don't know what she wants to do." Di Yuanmo tightly held Zi Meng's hand, frowning tightly.

Zimeng held Di Yuanmo's hand back to reassure him. Although she didn't know why Mengxi came here suddenly, it must not be a good thing to take Qin Xue away.

"It seems to smell like blood." Zi Meng's nose twitched, she took Di Yuanmo's hand, and walked in the direction that smelled of blood.

(End of this chapter)

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