Chapter 846 Emperor Yuanmo's Wrath

Zi Meng snuggled into Di Yuanmo's arms, and slowly closed her eyes, Di Yuanmo looked at Zi Meng distressedly.

When Mengxi saw the scene in front of her, she was so angry that her eyes were redder than Zimeng's, and she wished she could go forward and kill Zimeng directly.

"Since the opportunity is rare, how about we settle the matter here today?" Mengxi walked towards Di Yuanmo with a smile. Although she hated Di Yuanmo's ruthlessness, her love for Di Yuanmo , how can it be easily erased?

Zimeng and Di Yuanmo just looked at her and didn't want to pay attention to her at all.

Seeing their attitude, Mengxi hated her even more, so Mengxi rushed towards Zimeng full of murderous aura. The moment Di Yuanmo approached her, he hugged Zimeng and dodged her attack.

This time, Zi Meng didn't want to bear it anymore, and regardless of whether she was Meng Xi's opponent or not, she rushed directly to Meng Xi, ready to fight Meng Xi to the death.

Countless rattan whips rushed towards Mengxi under Zimeng's control. Mengxi turned over to dodge, waved his hand, and an invisible circle appeared in front of her.

As she pushed the circle out with her movements, Zimeng's cane whip disappeared immediately.

Zimeng knew that it was space magic, but she did not expect that Mengxi's space magic was on par with Di Yuanmo's.

Just when Zimeng was surprised, a whip with flames hit Zimeng directly. Di Yuanmo hurried forward to stop him, but Shi Yu suddenly appeared in front of Di Yuanmo and stopped him.

"Go away!" Di Yuanmo exuded a murderous aura, but Shi Yu didn't seem to be afraid.

"That's really embarrassing. She and I are allies now, but I can't ignore her." Shi Yu stopped in front of Di Yuanmo with a smile. Di Yuanmo was really too lazy to talk to Shi Yu, and he I don't know how far Mengxi's strength has improved over the years.

Facing Mengxi, Zi Meng had almost no chance of winning. He couldn't put Zi Meng in any danger, so he directly attacked Shi Yu.

Shi Yu's strength may not be as good as Di Yuanmo's, but his ability to dodge is much faster than others. Moreover, he does not fight Di Yuanmo hard, but just blocks Di Yuanmo from getting close to Zimeng and the others. Mengxi.

Mengxi's whip kept hitting Zimeng, and those whips were full of murderous intent, attacking Zimeng's life point.Zi Meng could only keep dodging.

Mengxi was on the same level as Di Yuanmo, so it was inevitable that Zimeng would be injured.

Mengxi's fire whip hit Zimeng's body, and Zimeng could smell her skin and clothes being burnt, before she had time to look at the wound on her body, Zimeng hurriedly dodged from the attack that followed.

Seeing the welt marks on Zi Meng's body, Di Yuanmo's pupils shrank suddenly, and the aura all over his body also changed immediately.

A layer of black aura emerged from his whole body, and those auras were entangled like smoke, turning over and over again.

Feeling this different breath, Zi Meng and Meng Xi turned their heads at the same time, Zi Meng was frightened by Di Yuan Mo's appearance at this time, while Meng Xi looked at Di Yuan Mo in horror.

She is very clear about Di Yuanmo's appearance, which shows that Di Yuanmo is very angry now.

Moreover, if they dare to mess around now, they will definitely be killed by Di Yuanmo!

"Yuan..." Di Yuanmo's eyes had turned red, and lines appeared on his face. He stared closely at Mengxi.

Meng Xi only felt that she was wrapped in murderous aura, and she was almost out of breath.

(End of this chapter)

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