Chapter 855
They were really angry when they heard these things, but now, they have no way to settle accounts with that man named Mengxi.

Not only because they don't even know where he is now, but also because Zimeng said that they can't act rashly.

"How can you let her go so easily? Is the master of this deity also able to move?" Qinglong got up angrily, wanting to settle accounts with Mengxi, Zimeng couldn't help but roll her eyes.

She just said, don't get excited, okay?

Did this guy not listen to her at all?Is it useful to be so excited?

"Qinglong, don't worry, just listen to Zimeng and finish speaking." Baihu patted Qinglong's shoulder to make Qinglong quiet down. Qinglong looked at him, sat down, and continued to stare at Zimeng.

"That's right, now, don't get excited, wait until I bring Suzaku back, but I don't know if I can bring it back." Zi Meng looked at Qinglong.

"Did you see Suzaku? Where is he?"

"Well, he is by Zi Yaoye's side now, but I want to ask you, is Suzaku always cold? It's really scary."

Zimeng thought about Suzaku's appearance, and felt terrible. In the end, Qinglong and the others looked at each other, as if thinking that the person Zimeng was talking about was not Suzaku.

Zimeng looked at them in confusion, did she say something wrong?Or, did she recognize the wrong person?
"Isn't it right?" Zimeng looked at them innocently.

"Although Suzaku is a bit cold-tempered to outsiders, it's not scary, is it?" Bai Hu looked at Zi Meng with some doubts, and Zi Meng looked at the three of them while propping her chin with one hand.

If it wasn't like this, but, couldn't that be Suzaku, could it be that she made a mistake?However, if she can admit her mistakes, luck can't admit her mistakes, right?
"Forget it, don't worry about it, anyway, I will bring Suzaku back, and you can just watch it when the time comes, but I don't know if he recognizes you or not, anyway, I don't care. "

Zimeng got up, stretched her waist, and was about to leave, but just took two steps before turning back.

"By the way, I'm going to retreat to practice, and I won't come out in a short time, so the Liuli Sect asks you to take care of it for a while, but don't show up in front of everyone, you know?"

Zimeng explained to them earnestly and mischievously, then, before they could speak, she turned around and quickly slipped away.

The three people left here looked at each other helplessly, always feeling that they seemed to be tricked by Zimeng.

"Hey, this deity is a majestic Qinglong beast, you actually asked this deity to guard the door for you?" Qinglong was quiet for a while, and then his fiery temper broke out immediately.

He was about to rush to Zimeng's room, but Baihu and Xuanwu hurriedly stopped him to prevent him from messing around. There was no way, if this guy messed up, it would be quite troublesome.

Moreover, they never knew why this guy Qinglong is so irritable now?
"Qinglong, can't you calm down? Do you know what you look like now?" Baihu pressed Qinglong's shoulder to make him sit down, looking at him helplessly.

"Like what? I'm not me?" Qinglong glared at him, and Baihu shook his head.

"Like Zimeng's father, you look like your daughter was bullied by others, am I right? Xuanwu?"

Baihu turned his head to look at Xuanwu, Xuanwu nodded seriously, it is indeed so, the metaphor of Baihu is not bad at all.

(End of this chapter)

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