Chapter 857 Suzaku Appears
By the time Di Yuanmo woke up from his practice, half a year had passed, but Zi Meng hadn't woken up yet.

He looked at Zimeng, who was still practicing not far away, with a slight smile on his lips, and sat there watching for a while before getting up and leaving.

There was no one in the yard, Ling Siyun and Bei Liwan, who were always guarding here, were not there, nor were Qinglong Baihu and the others.

Di Yuanmo did some activities for more than half a year, his body was a little stiff, and he walked out with some doubts, he was sure he read it right.

"Why is it so quiet? Is something wrong?" Di Yuanmo set up a barrier to protect Zimeng in the room where Zimeng was practicing, and flew away after sensing everyone's location.

When Di Yuanmo arrived, he saw two figures fighting together. The green and red light collided together. After seeing the two entangled people clearly, Di Yuanmo was a little shocked.

Because, one of them is Qinglong, and the other is...


"What's going on?" Di Yuanmo stopped beside Baihu and spoke softly.

"My lord, are you awake? Zimeng and her..." Baihu was a little puzzled seeing Di Yuanmo alone without Zimeng.

"She hasn't woken up yet, what's going on?" Di Yuanmo looked at Qinglong and Suzaku who were present at everyone.

According to his memory, the relationship between Qinglong and Suzaku seems to have always been very good. What's going on?How could they fight?
"Hey, I don't know why, Suzaku got into a fight with us, and he doesn't seem to know us anymore." Baihu looked at Qinglong and Suzaku helplessly, and Di Yuanmo looked up at them.

"Maybe it's because Suzaku stayed in the Demon Realm for too long, or there may be other reasons. Zi'er is the only way to wake him up completely."

Di Yuanmo murmured, Bai Hu and the others nodded, Zi Meng was their real master, so, to keep Suzaku safe, Zi Meng could only rely on her.

It's just that Zimeng hasn't woken up yet, so I'm afraid Suzaku won't be able to remind them of them for a while.

"Fortunately, it's now." Just when Baihu and the others were a little anxious, Zimeng's voice sounded, and Di Yuanmo hurriedly looked back.

Zimeng stood there, holding Suzaku's egg in Lucky's arms, following Zimeng's order, it jumped up and flew towards Suzaku.

And Zimeng directly used her ability. Countless vines shot up from the sky, trapping Suzaku and Qinglong in a cage made of rattan whips, and there were a few more vine whips that bound Lucky and Suzaku together. The eggs were brought in.

"Master Qinglong, get out of the way!" Lucky shouted loudly, Qinglong turned around, saw Lucky, hurriedly left, and Lucky rushed directly to Suzaku.

Suzaku immediately waved his hand, trying to use the flame to open the luck.

However, just when she was about to make a move, a dazzling white light suddenly radiated from Lucky's body, and everyone except Zi Meng and Di Yuanmo couldn't help but close their eyes.

Suzaku even blocked his sight with his hand, at this moment, Lucky pushed Suzaku's egg into Suzaku's chest.

"Ah!!" Suzaku yelled out in pain, black threads radiated from his body, and the white light on Lucky's body disappeared and fell from the sky.

Qinglong flew away in a hurry, holding luck in his hand, so as not to let it fall to the ground.

The black thread on Suzaku's body disappeared, and it also fell from the air. Suzaku lying on the ground closed his eyes tightly, as if he was asleep.

(End of this chapter)

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