Chapter 884 Really Married

"Oh, the moon seems to be very beautiful today. Drinking wine against the moon is also a good choice!" Jun Mojiu was the one who reacted the fastest. He got up, as if he didn't see Zimeng and the other side, and was about to leave .

Di Yuanmo shook his head helplessly, Zi Meng smiled and waved, a vine quickly grew up and tied Jun Mojiu who was about to escape.

"I said, Zimeng, since our relationship is so good, why don't you put me down first?" Jun Mojiu asked helplessly as he was fixed in the air by the vines.

"Didn't you miss us? Let's hang on it for a while, you guys, are you here to prepare for a bridal chamber?"

There was a decent smile on Di Yuanmo's face, but everyone could see that he was not in a good mood right now.

However, Di Yuanmo didn't attack them directly, it was because of Zi Meng's face.

"Well, little aunt, the beauty of a beautiful day cannot be wasted. If you continue, we will leave first!" Bei Liyang pulled Bei Liwan and smiled at Zimeng.

Then, before Zimeng could say anything, a group of people ran away in a flash, and even Jun Mojiu, who was bound by Zimeng's vines, escaped without knowing when and ran away.

"Why don't we change places?" Di Yuanmo was quiet for a while, looking down at Zi Meng, who blinked.

What do you mean by changing places?
Could it be that besides this place, has Di Yuanmo prepared other places?
"If I rest here tonight, I'm worried that they will come to make trouble again. I don't want to waste the night of the Spring Festival." Di Yuanmo lowered his head, his eyes glowing faintly.

"They shouldn't be coming back, right?" Zi Meng stroked her chin, and Di Yuanmo raised her eyebrows.

Zimeng means she doesn't want to!

Although he really wanted to take Zimeng out, but if Zimeng didn't want to go out, he wouldn't force it.

"However, I don't know where else to go, you take me with you." Zi Meng's words changed slightly, Di Yuanmo scratched her nose helplessly, and said something mischievous.

Di Yuanmo picked up Zimeng and left the mansion directly. In his arms, Zimeng always felt incredible when thinking about everything that happened today.

Although she didn't know what the rules of getting married here were, she was helpless many times today!
Because, she has never seen such a wedding.

It doesn't matter that the newlywed is the last one to know that she is married. The most important thing is that she was not picked up from her natal family, but was brought here directly by Di Yuanmo.

However, looking at everyone's appearance, it seems that this matter is normal.

"What are you thinking about?" Di Yuanmo looked down at Zimeng, and raised the corners of his mouth.

"It's nothing, I'm just thinking, are we really married?" Zi Meng snuggled into Di Yuanmo's arms, looking at her with a smile.

"Yeah, until now, are you still doubting?" Di Yuanmo stopped and looked at Zimeng amusedly.

"Yeah, I always think it's incredible." Zi Meng looked at Di Yuanmo embarrassedly.

"I know, you don't like too much trouble, so you didn't let them follow the original process. If you follow the necessary process, I think we should still be busy now."

Di Yuanmo looked at Zimeng helplessly, Zimeng blinked, is that so?It turned out that Di Yuanmo was thinking about her all the time?

"Thank you, Yuan, you are so caring." Zi Meng smiled, nestled in Di Yuanmo's arms, and Di Yuanmo gently rubbed Zi Meng's head.

(End of this chapter)

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