Chapter 899 Found it

Zi Yaoye looked at Zimeng with a lot of emotions, although he really wanted Zimeng to look at him more, but he also knew that it was impossible.

Now, Di Yuanmo is nowhere to be found. He can use brute force to make Zimeng stay, but what's the use if he can't get Zimeng's heart?

So, now, he can only help Zimeng.

Lucky lay on Zimeng's head, and went to find the location of Mengxi with Ziyaoye.

After searching for many days, they couldn't find the person they were looking for, and Zimeng became more and more anxious.

"Don't worry, we have already searched many places, which means we are getting closer to them." Zi Yaoye saw Zi Meng's impatience, and patted Zi Meng's shoulder.

"I also know, but the more I can't find them, the more anxious I become, and I can't control it." Zi Meng lowered her head, not looking at Zi Yao Ye, Zi Yao Ye sighed.

Just when both of them were speechless, luck suddenly jumped off Zimeng's body and ran forward. After Zimeng and Ziyaoye looked at each other, they followed.

In front of a cliff, Lucky stopped and looked at the cliff.

"Lucky, what's wrong?" Zi Meng looked down at Lucky in confusion.

"Master, there is a strong atmosphere of space magic here, there must be something." Lucky returned to Zimeng's shoulder and pointed at the cliff.

Both Zimeng and Ziyaoye looked at the cliff, but neither of them could see anything, nor could they feel any magical aura, so they had to look at Lucky again.

"I'll take you in, but be careful, if you're not careful, you'll be discovered." Lucky was a little worried. Although his ancestor taught him how to cultivate, his cultivation still didn't improve much.

Lucky waved his little paw lightly, a hole appeared on the cliff in front of them, Zi Meng walked over without any hesitation, Zi Yaoye sighed and hurriedly followed.

In the cliff, there was indeed a space, Zi Meng and Zi Yaoye didn't see a single person, and the unicorn came out of the Shenjing space.

"I can feel the breath of the master." Led by Qilin, they walked into a room, however, a shrill scream made them stop involuntarily.

The screams belonged to Mengxi, Zi Meng and Zi Yaoye looked at each other, followed the sound and walked carefully.

What entered their eyes was Mengxi lying on the ground, screaming and rolling with her face covered, and when she took her hands away from her face, Zimeng and the others couldn't help but gasp.

Her face was festering, and her face was hideous, very scary.

"What's going on?" Zi Yaoye looked at her in disbelief.

"It should be that she sucked Mu Xi's blood. Mu Xi said that she also sucked the toxins from Mu Xi's body. Is this the result?"

Zimeng opened his mouth lightly, and Zi Yaoye couldn't help but smile, this is called stealing a chicken without losing money, right?
It's fine to suck other people's blood, but it's really ridiculous to suck away the toxins from other people!
However, judging by her appearance at this moment, she shouldn't be able to do anything to Di Yuanmo, right?At least, Di Yuanmo should be considered safe now.

When Zi Yaoye looked at Zi Meng, she found that Zi Meng's gaze had been fixed in one place.

Zi Yaoye followed Zimeng's line of sight, and it turned out to be Di Yuanmo, who sat there quietly, his eyes without a trace of expression, like a puppet.

(End of this chapter)

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