Chapter 902 Differential Treatment (2)

Although Zi Yaoye was dissatisfied, she still agreed to help Zi Meng look at Di Yuanmo. After Zi Meng smiled at him, she left the room.

Di Yuanmo looked at Zimeng's leaving figure, but didn't react at all.

Zi Yaoye sat in front of Di Yuanmo, looking at Di Yuanmo, Di Yuanmo still didn't respond, although he looked at Zi Yaoye, but there was no Zi Yaoye in his eyes.

"What's so good about you? You made her fall in love with you so much." Zi Yaoye looked at Di Yuanmo, but Di Yuanmo didn't give him any response.

Zi Meng searched outside for two days, but couldn't find anything that could help Di Yuanmo, so Zi Meng could only go back.

However, when she returned to Ziyaoye's dormitory, Zimeng blinked her eyes at the embarrassing scene, but didn't realize what was going on.

"What's the matter?" Zi Meng saw Zi Yaoye coming out of the room, and then, tables and chairs were thrown out of the room.

"You are finally back, if you don't come back, I will kill him!" Zi Yaoye looked at Zi Meng fiercely, which scared Zi Meng's little heart.

"Well, what's the matter? Such a big temper?" Zi Meng looked at Zi Yaoye.

"Look for yourself!" After Zi Yaoye finished speaking, she turned and left, not giving Zi Meng a chance to speak at all, Zi Meng turned her head and looked at the room.

If she's not mistaken, it should be Di Yuanmo inside, looking at Zi Yaoye's appearance, I don't know what Di Yuanmo is doing again!

Zi Meng walked into the room cautiously, and Di Yuanmo, who had been expressionless all this time, was destroying the things in the room with a ferocious frontal gaze.

His eyes were red, as if possessed by a demon.

"Yuan, what's wrong with you? Calm down!" Zi Meng walked quickly to Di Yuanmo's side, and hugged him to keep him from getting excited.

As if hearing Zimeng's voice, Di Yuanmo, who was originally manic, gradually calmed down and looked at Zimeng quietly.

His red eyes gradually returned to their previous colorlessness.

"Yuan, are you okay?" Zi Meng looked at Di Yuanmo, who just stood there, as if nothing happened just now.

Zi Yaoye outside didn't go far, seeing Zi Meng enter the room, thinking that Di Yuanmo would beat Zi Meng out, so he abducted him back again.

In the end, instead of the scene he thought about, Di Yuanmo had already calmed down.

He quietly walked back to the room, and Di Yuanmo was already sitting there obediently with Zimeng's support, letting Zimeng look at him.

Zi Yaoye is strange, what's going on?

How could he be honest after seeing Zimeng?I was already crazy about killing people before, okay?

He was not even Di Yuanmo's opponent, and was almost killed by Di Yuanmo. Could it be that, even if he was unconscious, he hadn't forgotten Zi Meng?
"No, Di Yuanmo, I said, is this too much? I stay with him without eating, drinking or sleeping, and he wants to kill me. Why are you so obedient when I see you?" Zi Yaoye was dissatisfied Walking over quickly, looking at Di Yuanmo, and complaining like Zimeng.

Di Yuanmo didn't respond, he just looked at Zimeng, without giving Zi Yaoye a single glance.

This pissed Zi Yaoye half dead.

If it weren't for seeing that Di Yuanmo didn't have his own consciousness now, Zi Yaoye would have wished to beat him up.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know he would be like this. He was fine before." Zi Meng looked at Zi Yaoye apologetically, and then at the mess destroyed by Di Yuanmo in the house.

(End of this chapter)

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