Chapter 915
Ling Siyun lowered her head and thought about it, and felt that what Zimeng said was right, so she also agreed with what Zimeng said.

The matter was finished, Zimeng looked at everyone, and everyone looked at her.

"Are you okay? Why are you looking at me like that?" Zimeng blinked, looked down at her body, and found nothing wrong.

However, being looked at so directly by them really gave Zi Meng goose bumps all over her body!
"Master, then you finally came back, wouldn't you just leave like this? You are the master, so it's a bit too irresponsible?"

Shengge and Yu Tingxi looked at Zimeng shoulder to shoulder, and Zimeng couldn't help but roll his eyes at that look.

She didn't know when these guys got on so well!
"I said you two, as guardians, how decent are you to hook your shoulders together?" Zi Meng pointed at Sheng Ge and Yu Tingxi, but the two of them didn't hear Zi Meng's words, and they still hooked their shoulders together looking at her.

"Come on, you'll be called them. They learned this from you." Ling Siyun rolled her eyes, Zi Meng was puzzled.

She never taught them this!What did you learn from her?

"Actually, it's very simple. At the beginning, you and the old head were hanging shoulder to shoulder in front of the public."

Ling Siyun exposed Zimeng very disrespectfully, the corner of Zimeng's mouth twitched violently, when did that happen?
"By the way, at that time, I hadn't formally joined the Liuli Sect, right? Why did you learn from me?" Zi Meng slapped Ling Siyun on the back, and Ling Siyun was almost sent flying by her.

"I'm not leaving today, let someone prepare some good wine and food, let's get together today." Zi Meng smiled at Dugu Mingxue and the others, and Dugu Mingxue nodded.

It's time for a good get-together, Zi Meng has been busy, but they haven't sat together for a long time, so they have a good chat.

They went to work, Zi Mengque walked up the mountain alone, Ling Siyun followed her.

"What are you doing here?" Ling Siyun looked at Zimeng with a smile.

"I haven't seen Master for a long time. I went to see her. In the past, the Liuli Sect didn't stand firm, but now it should be considered firm? I need to report to her."

Zimeng smiled at Ling Siyun, and the smile on Ling Siyun's face disappeared immediately. Over the years, Zimeng didn't mention going to see Xing Yage, she didn't dare to say, she could only go and see by herself every time.

"It's just a pity that I didn't avenge her. Up to now, I also know Shi Yu's whereabouts." Zi Meng clenched her fist tightly with some self-blame, and Ling Siyun patted her on the shoulder.

"You have already done a lot. I think, regarding revenge, the old head hopes that you can spend this life safely and smoothly, and bring everyone in the Liuli Sect to go on like this."

Ling Siyun looked at Zimeng very seriously, and Zimeng smiled at her, of course she knew about it, but if she didn't kill Shi Yu, she would never be safe.

Even if the days are stable, her heart can't be stable anyway.

"Let's go, you go with me to see, let me go alone, I might feel ashamed to see her." Zimeng looked at Ling Siyun, Ling Siyun nodded, and walked to Xing Yage's grave with Zimeng.

As they got closer, Zi Meng's heart became more and more disturbed. She didn't know if Ling Siyun would blame her, but she hadn't seen her for a long time, and she didn't know if Xing Yage would blame her.

(End of this chapter)

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