Chapter 924
Zimeng's words were so overbearing that the Mo family were speechless and wanted to refute, but what Zimeng said made them speechless.

Mo Qiran looked at Zimeng gratefully, and Zimeng spoke for him again. These words were what he wanted to say all these years, but never said.

"Don't think that you can talk nonsense here because you are the wife of the Master of the State Teacher." Some people blamed themselves because of Zimeng's words, and naturally some were angry because of Zimeng's words.

In addition, Zi Meng spoke for Mo Qiran, so, naturally, Zi Meng didn't like it.

Hearing someone say that Zi Meng was wrong, Di Yuanmo's face suddenly turned cold, he turned his head coldly, and looked at the person who said Zi Meng.

At the same time, the hostility from his body seeped out little by little.

Zimeng noticed Di Yuanmo's behavior, and walked over slowly. She stopped beside Di Yuanmo, stretched out her hand, and took Di Yuanmo's hand.

"So excited, is what I said wrong? Mo Qiran and I are friends, and Mo Qiqi is also friends, saving Mo Qiqi is what I should do.

But, you actually suspected that I was brought by Mo Qiran to harm Qi Qi, don't you think, you are ridiculous? "

Zimeng sneered at those guys who were filled with righteous indignation, she really thought these people were ridiculous.

"What did you say……"

"Am I wrong? If you really care about Mo Qiqi so much, can you let her lie there? I always thought that as Qiqi and Qiran's family members, you must be the same as them. In the end, really It's so disappointing to me."

Zimeng looked at Mo Qiran regretfully, and all eyes were on Mo Qiran, but Mo Qiran lowered her head and said nothing.

It's not that he doesn't want to say anything, but that what Zimeng said is so right, he no longer wants to defend those who only think about their own interests.

"Now, please go out, I want to heal Qiqi's injuries." Zi Meng said unceremoniously, and directly issued an order to expel them.

Seeing Zimeng's haughty look, the Mo family didn't dare to refute, they pushed and shoved away.

"Thank you." When those people left, Mo Qiran thanked Zi Meng helplessly, and Zi Meng blinked.

"Thank you for what?" Zi Meng was puzzled.

"Thank you for speaking for me. I'm afraid these words will make them angry for a long time!" Mo Qiran couldn't help but look at the leaving crowd.

"You seem to be gloating?" Zi Meng looked at Mo Qiran helplessly, and a faint smile appeared on Mo Qiran's usually expressionless face.

He wasn't gloating, but what Zimeng said really touched his heart.

He is in a very good mood now, but he doesn't plan to leave with Zimeng. Zimeng and Di Yuanmo are already married, so he will be hated if he follows.

When Mo Qiqi was fine, he went back to look for Mo Xie. Although Mo Xie was the prince, he had Mo Qiran's one-acre land with him.

After today, Zimeng made such a fuss, even if he left Mo's house, these people would not go to him.

This is also what he wants, to leave this place that has always made him extremely depressed.

I don't know what Zi Meng did on Mo Qiqi's body, Mo Qiqi woke up soon, and when he saw Zi Meng, he burst into tears immediately.

"Okay, you just woke up, so don't cry, otherwise, I will waste all my efforts to wake you up with great difficulty."

(End of this chapter)

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