Chapter 931
Because of Zimeng's calling, Di Yuanmo gradually returned to his original appearance. He stretched out his hand and hugged Zimeng tightly in his arms.

"Next time, if I hurt you, kill me!" Di Yuanmo's voice was extremely firm, and Zi Meng was slightly taken aback, but soon, she laughed.

Killed Di Yuanmo?

How can it be?

A person's life can be said to be long or short, but in this life, the only person she will not hurt is probably Di Yuanmo. Even if Di Yuanmo kills her, she will not hurt Di Yuan ink.

And she believed that Di Yuanmo thought the same way!He would rather hurt himself than hurt Zimeng.

"Yuan, I'm really fine. At that time, you let go of your hand. Although it was scary, you remembered me, so you let go, didn't you?"

Zi Meng looked at Di Yuanmo, and said in a low voice, Di Yuanmo held Zi Meng's hand tighter, he didn't dare to imagine, if he really killed Zi Meng, would he still be able to live.

Even though it was not his original intention to kill Zimeng, if Zimeng really had any troubles, he chose to go with Zimeng.

Before Zimeng knew it, he had already made up his mind that if there was a next time, he would destroy all his cultivation, so that he would never hurt Zimeng again.

However, the premise of ruining his cultivation was to get rid of Mengxi first, and he absolutely couldn't let Mengxi hurt Zimeng.

"Does it still hurt?" Di Yuanmo's hand lightly stroked the strangle marks on Zimeng's neck.

"It doesn't hurt a long time ago, what about you? Is there something uncomfortable?" Zi Meng raised her head and looked at Di Yuanmo worriedly. Looking at Zi Meng like this, Di Yuanmo couldn't say anything, so he could only bow his head, Kissed Zimeng's lips.

He can't say anything now, he just wants to kiss Zimeng well, to make sure Zimeng is still in his arms.

Di Yuanmo, who was kissing Zimeng, suddenly raised his head and looked into the distance, "I can feel Mengxi's breath."

Di Yuanmo's words made Zimeng excited too, the two of them completely forgot what they were doing just now, they both stood up and looked in the same direction.

After so many days, I finally found Mengxi. In this way, can I find them?
Without waiting for Zimeng to speak, Di Yuanmo picked up Zimeng and flew away. After arriving at the destination, Diyuanmo put Zimeng down. The two looked around, but found nothing.

"The breath is indeed here, why is there no one?" Di Yuanmo looked around in confusion, Zi Meng closed his eyes, bursts of green light radiated from his feet, Di Yuanmo stood there motionless and looked at Zi Meng.

He knew that Zimeng was using her power to feel the people and things around her.

If you can feel it, you will find it.

After a while, Zimeng opened her eyes suddenly, and pulled Di Yuanmo to walk cautiously in one direction. Di Yuanmo followed behind her, and didn't stop until she reached the entrance of a cave.

Di Yuanmo felt it carefully. Indeed, there were many people inside, and the atmosphere was very chaotic. The person Zi Meng was looking for must be inside.

Just when the two were about to go in, they heard footsteps coming out. Di Yuanmo hurriedly opened a space and pulled Zi Meng in.

The two held their breath in the space, and saw that the person who came out turned out to be Shi Yu. He stood at the entrance of the cave, stretched his waist, looked around, and his gaze was fixed on the place where Di Yuanmo and Zi Meng were. For a moment, however, it quickly moved away.

(End of this chapter)

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