Chapter 940 Artifact Spirit (1)

Di Yuanmo's voice was deep and cold, thinking that Di Yuanmo really cared about her Meng Xi, and fell straight on the ground in Di Yuanmo's voice, with an incredible expression on his face, she never thought of it when she died, Di Yuanmo would break free from her control and even kill her.

Di Yuanmo turned his head to look at Zimeng, his eyes were full of apology, he fell under Mengxi's Gu, and let Mengxi be at his mercy, but when Zimeng needed him most, he could only stand there and watch.

Let Zimeng get hurt in front of him. I don't know how many times this is?
"Zi'er..." Di Yuanmo walked slowly in front of Zi Meng, the blood on his hand was still dripping down.

Zi Meng looked at Di Yuanmo, turned around with a gloomy expression, and looked at Gu Qingli who was motionless on the ground.

"Little aunt." Zi Meng walked towards Gu Qingli, staggered, Bei Liyang didn't have time to wipe the tears off her face, and hurried forward to support her.

Zi Meng gently pushed Bei Liyang away, walked to Gu Qingli's side, squatted down, and looked at Gu Qingli's face.

"My name is Gu Qingli, you can call me Qingli."

"I'll protect you both."

"You said, seeing a man like this, will you be able to marry in the future?"

"I didn't expect you to become the head of the Liuli Sect. When I see you in the future, should I salute you respectfully?"

"Congratulations. Seeing you smiling so happily makes us feel at ease. From now on, you will be the wife of the Master of the State Teacher. You can't just rush forward when you see a beautiful man."

In Zimeng's ear, what Gu Qingli once said to her kept echoing.

Tears fell uncontrollably again.

Di Yuanmo looked at the black mist wrapped around Zimeng's body, and was so heartbroken that he was about to die.

"You have always been by my side, and I can always see you when I need it. In the end, I didn't expect that you would die to save me! Tell me, am I your nemesis?"

Zimeng knelt beside Gu Qingli, reached out and wiped the blood on Gu Qingli's face.

Di Yuanmo walked up to Zi Meng's side, and patted Zi Meng's shoulder lightly. Zi Meng turned to look at Di Yuanmo, tears kept streaming down her face, and Di Yuanmo carefully wiped her tears.

However, Zimeng's tears wiped away more and more, and Di Yuanmo pulled Zimeng into his arms.

The black mist on her body gradually disappeared, and then she burst into tears in Di Yuanmo's arms.

Di Yuanmo didn't comfort her, but quietly hugged her and made her cry.

After Zimeng's crying gradually subsided, she came out of Di Yuanmo's arms.

"Master, master..." Lucky shouted at Zimeng while holding Zimeng's bow and arrow, Zimeng looked down at it.

"Master, although he is dead, his soul has not disappeared. You can put him in the bow and arrow." Lucky said to Zi Meng seriously, and Zi Meng frowned.

Let Gu Qingli's soul reside in the bow and arrow?Isn't that the magic weapon?How can this be?

"This may be the best for him." Di Yuanmo said softly to Zi Meng, Zi Meng lowered her head after thinking for a while and nodded in agreement.

Following Lucky's instructions, Zi Meng pressed Gu Qingli's already quiet soul into the bow and arrow. Although she didn't know if she could succeed, but in this way, Gu Qingli wouldn't have to disappear, right?

The four great beasts, because of Zi Meng's relationship, were a little dizzy, so when Zi Meng stopped attacking, they all began to sit down and recover.

(End of this chapter)

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