Chapter 947 Rescue soldiers (4)

"What's going on with them?" Zimeng looked at Ziyaoye, she believed that Ziyaoye would not mess around, but seeing Tang Jingcheng and Bei Liyang lying on the ground and rolling, it was not a problem. ?

"Brother, are you okay?" Bei Liwan looked at Bei Liyang's pained look, and wanted to go forward to help them up, but they kept rolling and there was no way to get close.

"Little aunt..." Bei Liwan had no choice but to look at Zimeng, and Zimeng looked at Ziyaoye.

"It's okay, my devilish energy is devouring the devilish energy left by Mengxi, it's very painful, bear with it!" Zi Yaoye sat down very leisurely, and poured himself a glass of water.

Hearing what she said, Zi Meng also relaxed. Di Yuanmo supported Zi Meng to sit down, and Zi Yaoye looked at Zi Meng's face.

"I advise you, in the future, it's better not to get too excited." Zi Yaoye said lightly, and Zi Meng looked at him puzzled.

Bei Liwan and Nan Jin Chuyue looked at them, and wanted to say a few words. They chatted like this, did they forget how many people were still rolling on the ground?
"What's wrong?" Di Yuanmo frowned.

"Next time, she will become like you. Do you want to see it? I don't think you have forgotten how painful it was for you at that time!"

Zi Yaoye turned her head to look at Di Yuanmo indifferently, and Di Yuanmo turned her head to look at Zi Meng.

Of course he knew what Zi Yaoye meant, that was becoming a demon, and if that day really came, Zi Meng would definitely be in pain.

No matter whether it is Di Yuanmo or anyone else, they don't want to see this day.

"What?" He looked at them in puzzlement, not understanding what they were talking about.

"It's okay, don't worry, they will be fine soon." Di Yuanmo gently smoothed Zimeng's hair, and Zimeng nodded.

She believed in Di Yuanmo, and now, they had no other choice but to believe in Zi Yaoye.

Tang Jingcheng and the others kept rolling on the ground, and it took a long time before they stopped, and Zimeng didn't look at them, not because she didn't care.

However, after seeing that scene, she definitely couldn't help but watch them suffer, so she could only divert her eyes and not look at them.

"How are you guys doing?" Zi Meng looked at Tang Jingcheng and the others who were sitting up.

"I'm dying of pain, I feel like my bones are about to fall apart." Tang Jingcheng rubbed his arms and legs that were so painful that they were about to fall apart.

Zimeng went forward and felt their pulse. Afterwards, she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. The seals in their bodies were lifted, right?
"Get rid of your demon energy in their bodies." Zi Meng seemed to have thought of something, and turned to look at Zi Yao Ye.

"Not yet, Mengxi still has power. If they are not completely cleared, their power will still be sealed in the future."

Zi Yaoye drank tea and spoke slowly, Zi Meng frowned and looked at Tang Jingcheng and the others. In this case, they still can't use their power in a short time?
"So, we still can't use our power for the time being, right?" Bei Liyang stood up with Bei Liwan's support, and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

"It's only for the time being, don't worry, he personally begged me to help, of course I will let you all be fine." Zi Yaoye glanced at Di Yuanmo triumphantly.

"I didn't beg you, but I just said that I need your help here." Di Yuanmo didn't look at him at all, poured a glass of water, and handed it to Zi Meng. Yuan Mo.

(End of this chapter)

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