Chapter 951 The Blood of Mengxi
In fact, Zi Meng should have personally arranged the matter of Gu Qingli, but Di Yuanmo didn't want Zi Meng to be too tired. Moreover, Gu Qingli died to protect Zi Meng, so Di Yuanmo personally This was arranged.

"it is good."

"Thank you, Yuan." Zi Meng looked at Di Yuanmo, asking his majestic national teacher to prepare other people's future generations. No matter how you think about it, you feel aggrieved, right?
"It's not hard, he's here to save you, and he's also a benefactor." Di Yuanmo looked at Zi Meng distressedly, and Zi Meng smiled at her.

The cemetery that Zimeng and Di Yuanmo found for Gu Qingli was in that sea of ​​flowers. According to Zimeng, here, in the future, when they live in seclusion, they can also accompany Gu Qingli.

In this way, Gu Qingli will not be alone.

"Is he still awake?"

"Well, it may be that the injury was too serious, plus, it takes time to adapt to becoming a weapon spirit." In fact, Zimeng is not sure about this!
After Gu Qingli's soul was injected into the bow and arrow by her, she never woke up. Zi Meng was really afraid that she would never wake up!
"Don't worry, he will definitely wake up. Now, he is your weapon spirit. As long as you don't die and your bow and arrow don't get destroyed, nothing will happen to him."

Di Yuanmo comforted Zimeng softly, Zimeng nodded, Gu Qingli would definitely wake up.

"Okay, how about going to rest for a while?" Di Yuanmo went out to wet his handkerchief, and carefully wiped off the sticky sugarcane juice on Zi Meng's hands.

"I don't want to rest. For the past two days, you don't let me do anything. I rest every day. I am full of energy, and I can't sleep even after rest!"

Zi Meng looked at Di Yuanmo helplessly, Di Yuanmo thought for a while, and yes, taking a rest all the time doesn't seem good, and looking at Zi Meng's current state, she seems to have gotten much better.

"By the way, I almost forgot, this is for you." Di Yuanmo suddenly thought of something, took out a bottle of blood, and handed it to Zi Meng.

Zimeng looked at the blood, and looked up at Di Yuanmo in confusion. She didn't know what Di Yuanmo was doing for giving her the blood.

"Mengxi's blood." Di Yuanmo saw Zimeng's doubts.

"Mengxi's blood? When did you collect it?" Zimeng almost forgot about it, and she really didn't know when Di Yuanmo did it.

"After killing Mengxi, if you want to save your sister-in-law, it doesn't matter if Mengxi people are there or not, as long as you have her blood." The sadness that flashed in Di Yuanmo's eyes was only for a moment.

In the past, their relationship was considered good, but now, he killed Mengxi with his own hands. Although what Mengxi did was too much, Di Yuanmo never thought about killing Mengxi with his own hands.

However, he doesn't regret it, no matter who it is, he can't hurt Zimeng, otherwise, he can only die!

"That..." Zimeng hesitated a little, and didn't know if he could say something.

"What's wrong?" Di Yuanmo looked at Zimeng.

"Did you just throw her body there? Will it be swallowed by monsters?" Zimeng's tone was a little hesitant. She didn't know what Di Yuanmo would think when she asked such a question, but she still asked exported.

"Well, at the time, I didn't pay much attention to it, but after that, I informed Zi Yaoye that he must have taken Mengxi's body away."

Di Yuanmo pinched Zimeng's little face lightly, not letting her think so much, Zimeng nodded. In this case, Di Yuanmo should also feel at ease, right?
(End of this chapter)

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