Chapter 960 Wan'er's Experience (3)

"Brother, is grandpa very angry now?" Bei Liyang came out from the hall, and Bei Liwan peeked out a head from behind the tree, looking at Bei Liyang cautiously.

"You still know to worry about this?" Bei Liyang looked at Bei Liwan helplessly, Bei Liwan stuck out her tongue, and then looked at Bei Liyang innocently.

"Okay, don't learn from my little aunt, you don't like it." Bei Liyang patted Bei Liwan on the head.

"However, is little aunt still in seclusion now? Has it been many days?" Bei Liwan and Bei Liyang walked side by side.

"Yeah, not only my little aunt, senior brother Qingli and Master Guoshi are also retreating. I really don't know when they will come out."

Bei Liyang frowned, he really didn't know when Zimeng and the others would be able to leave the customs, but now, Bei Liyang was not worried about this.

Zimeng and the others retreated, and they would come out one day. However, Bei Liwan went out to practice with a group of people they didn't know very well. If there was any danger, they might not be able to arrive in time!
"Brother, I know that you are all worried about my experience, but believe me, there is absolutely no problem. I am also very strong now, aren't I?"

Bei Liwan looked at Bei Liyang with a smile, and Bei Liyang could only believe that she must be fine.

"No matter what, you must be careful. Among those people, some are people we have never contacted, so you must not be careless.

Right now, little aunt is in retreat, if something happens, we will be able to find you as soon as possible, so you have to protect yourself, you know? "

Bei Liyang supported Bei Liwan's shoulders with both hands, and looked at her seriously, she nodded, of course she understood what Bei Liyang said.

Now, the Beili family is going up step by step. It can be said that it has firmly ranked first among the four major families. No, it should be the three major families. The Dongyang family has already been wiped out by Zimeng.

Therefore, there are many people who hate Bei Li's family. If Bei Liwan goes out by herself, she will definitely be hurt secretly. If Bei Liwan doesn't have this awareness, she will definitely be hurt.

What's more serious is that it is likely to lose your life!

At this time, they still don't know, this time of training, looking back at what Bei Liwan went through, if they knew, they would definitely not let Bei Liwan go to the training.

Of course, they didn't know anything at this time.

Bei Liwan left early in the morning with her companions who were going to practice together, Bei Liyang worriedly watched their leaving figures, feeling a little flustered for no reason.

I always feel like something is about to happen, but I don't know where the panic comes from.

"Yang'er, what are you doing, fidgeting, are you annoying?" Bei Li Xinhong, who was buried in the medicine field, turned his head to look at Bei Liyang Station, and put down the medicine hoe in his hand. .

"Grandpa, I always feel a little flustered in the past two days. I don't know if something happened to Wan'er." Bei Liyang turned to look at his old man.

Bei Li Xinhong came out of the medicine field, patted the soil on his body, sat down at the table, and poured Bei Liyang a glass of water.

"She has only been out for two days, what could happen? Could it be that you are thinking too much?" Bei Li Xinhong looked at Bei Liyang in confusion, Bei Liyang sat down and shook his head slightly. .

"But yes, the relationship between you and Wan'er has always been the best. If something happens to her, you should react. Do you want to send someone to find her?"

(End of this chapter)

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