Chapter 964 Little Aunt Says
"What do you mean, why do I sound so awkward? What do you mean by stealing my woman? My woman is you, who dares to steal it?"

Di Yuanmo lowered his head, looked at Zimeng with a smile on his face, Zimeng blinked, was she right?There seems to be no problem, right?

The woman who dared to snatch Di Yuanmo...

The woman who robbed Emperor Yuanmo...

Di Yuanmo's woman...

The corners of Zimeng's mouth couldn't help but twitched, she understood what Di Yuanmo said.

What you said just now is indeed wrong, very wrong.

What is a woman who dares to snatch Di Yuanmo?
"It should be the one who dared to rob you with Mengxi, right?" After Zi Meng figured it out, she looked at Di Yuanmo and smiled, and the corner of Di Yuanmo's eyebrows twitched slightly.

"According to what you mean, I'm from Mengxi?" Di Yuanmo's face was pulled down, and he told Zi Meng with his expression that he was not in a good mood.

"No, no, no, why are you from Mengxi? You are mine, and only mine, so if you dare to rob me of a man, you must kill her!"

Zimeng looked at Di Yuanmo with a smile on her face, and Di Yuanmo rubbed her head helplessly.

Hearing what Zimeng said, Di Yuanmo was in a very bad mood, so he put his arm around Zimeng's waist, lowered his head, and continued to look at Bei Liwan and Qin Xue.

Holding a sharp dagger in Qin Xue's hand, she looked at Bei Liwan with a sinister smile, but Bei Liwan looked at her motionless.

If it was before, Bei Liwan would definitely be very scared, but now, she doesn't feel scared at all.

Maybe it's because, having stayed by Zimeng's side for a long time these years, she has learned how to behave calmly.

Therefore, his calm appearance at this moment made Qin Xue a little nervous.

"Could it be, aren't you afraid of death?" Qin Xue looked at Bei Liwan.

"I'm afraid, but my little aunt said that people are mortal and there is nothing to be afraid of. Moreover, if I die, you will be buried with me soon. What am I afraid of?"

Bei Liwan's words made Qin Xue's expression extremely ferocious, "It's Bei Li Zimeng again, why? Why do you all like her so much?"

Qin Xue looked at Bei Liwan angrily, and the dagger in her hand stabbed directly at her. Bei Liwan slowly closed her eyes, waiting for the pain caused by the dagger piercing into her body.

For a long time, she didn't feel any pain. When she opened her eyes, Di Yuanmo stood in front of her with his back to her, resisting Qin Xue's attack.

"I didn't expect you to be really angry!" Zi Meng walked over slowly, stood aside, and looked at Qin Xue.

"Beili Zimeng?" When Qin Xue saw Zimeng, she was really frightened, but soon, she calmed down.

"What's the matter? Are you surprised to see me? No, I'm in a bad mood now. She's the one who calls me aunt all the time. You hurt her like this."

Zi Meng looked at Bei Liwan, who was covered in injuries. When Bei Liwan saw Zi Meng and Di Yuanmo, her previous strength disappeared, and she looked up at them with tears in her eyes.

"So what? You injured me, and I was taken away by Mengxi, but after she knew that I liked Master Guoshi, she actually beat me and bullied me every day.

However, now that she is dead, I am relieved, and I have to thank you all!
but why?Why can't I just like you, just because my identity is private?How noble is she?She is just an adopted daughter, and there are so many men around her. "

(End of this chapter)

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