Chapter 972 It's Too Ugly
"Although, I don't know if we will go to the so-called Zhu Wu Continent, but since I have already taken your things, I won't leave you here."

Zi Meng spoke lightly, while Di Yuanmo stood aside and watched quietly, and did not object to everything Zi Meng did.

Anyway, in Di Yuanmo's opinion, that place is where they will go one day sooner or later.

When they walked out of the small cave, Zimeng and Di Yuanmo looked at the dead monster on the ground. At this moment, Zimeng took a closer look at it.

There are some taupe in the red, with a pointed mouth, eyes as big as a human head, fish-shaped claws on the limbs, and a huge body, and some pitted carapaces. No matter how you look at it, it is ugly. Before , she was still thinking about capturing this monster and giving it to Nan Jin Chuyue.

Fortunately, she didn't do this, otherwise, Xuanwu would have killed it first.

"It's so ugly, tell me, how can there be such an ugly monster in the world?" Zi Meng turned to look at Di Yuanmo, her face full of horror.

"There are all kinds of monsters in the world, and there are countless of them. Naturally, there are all kinds of monsters. When you see a really ugly monster, maybe you will kill it directly?"

Di Yuanmo looked at Zimeng amusedly, and Zimeng blinked, what monster is uglier than this?really?
Seeing Zimeng's frightened appearance, Di Yuanmo's face became more smiling. It's rare to see Zimeng like this, no matter how you look at it, it's fun.

"You're scaring me, aren't you?" Seeing the smile on Di Yuanmo's face, Zi Meng pouted dissatisfiedly.

Di Yuanmo stretched out his hand, pulled Zimeng into his arms, and kissed Zimeng's lips directly, not letting Zimeng continue to speak. Zimeng lifted his neck and raised his head to respond to him.

"Zi'er, when are we going to have a baby?" After the kiss was over, Di Yuanmo pressed his forehead against Zi Meng's, looking at Zi Meng seriously but with a serious expression.

"Having a child doesn't mean that you can have a child after birth." Zi Meng looked at Di Yuanmo helplessly, and Di Yuanmo hugged Zi Meng's waist tightly, letting her get close to him.

"As long as there weren't so many people hanging around in front of us every day, the child would have already been born." Di Yuanmo looked at Zi Meng with some dissatisfaction, and Zi Meng turned her head innocently, not looking at Di Yuanmo.

She is not to blame for this matter, and it is not she who asked them to go to the National Teacher's Mansion every day. At the beginning, Di Yuanmo said that they were allowed to enter the National Teacher's Mansion at will. Now, why are they unwilling again?

Moreover, Zimeng found that such Di Yuanmo is really cute!
"Zi'er, what do you mean by looking at me like that?" Di Yuanmo looked at Zi Meng helplessly, Zi Meng shook her head violently, she wouldn't tell Di Yuanmo what she was thinking at this time!

"There's nothing here anymore, let's go?" Di Yuanmo held Zimeng's hand, preparing to take Zimeng away.

"Take this away, take it to the old man, and make him happy." Zi Meng pulled Di Yuanmo's hand, and Di Yuanmo would naturally have no objection, so he waved his hand and put away the monster.

No need to say anything, both of them knew that the place they were going to was Yuan Tianzong.

"Good apprentice, why are you free?" Tang Jingcheng was a little surprised when he saw Zi Meng and Di Yuanmo.

"It's nothing. I'm out of customs, so I came here to give you a gift. Seeing that you are so leisurely, do you have nothing to do recently?" Zi Meng looked at Tang Jingcheng who was in a state of boredom with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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