Chapter 980 Ready to leave (1)

"Also, don't think about those in the Liuli faction, they will never want to take your class." Ling Siyun spoke again, interrupting all Zimeng's fantasies.

"However, if I go to Zhuwu Continent, what about the Liuli Sect?" Zimeng looked at Ling Siyun helplessly.

Ling Siyun looked at Zimeng, and the corners of her eyebrows couldn't help twitching, and then, she glanced at Zimeng, "It's up to you, if you want to go, go, anyway, we will give you the position of the master." If you keep it, can you still go and not come back?"

The corner of Zimeng's mouth twitched fiercely. If she left, she would definitely not come back. This guy is really too much.

For Zimeng's gaze, Ling Siyun pretended not to see it. In the current Liuli School, everyone respects Zimeng very much. Zimeng is still alive, and no one can replace Zimeng.

"Forget it, I don't care about you, you can do whatever you want, anyway, now, as long as you want to press the Liuli faction on me.

It seems wrong to say that, anyway, I am also the head of the sect, it should be said, unless there is something important, otherwise, absolutely don't look for me. "

Zimeng looked at Ling Siyun very seriously, Ling Siyun raised her eyebrows, and lay down on the table, she was really too lazy to talk to Zimeng!

Things have come to this point, even if Zimeng really wants to go out, they won't care about it, anyway, Zimeng is here now, and she doesn't care too much about Liuli Sect, okay?

"By the way, I think the Liuli Sect can accept newcomers now, what do you think?" Ling Siyun looked at Zimeng, and Zimeng looked up at her.

"It's up to you to decide this matter. If you think it's okay, then you can do it. But, you have to remember that the Liuli Sect must never accept people with bad intentions."

Zimeng looked up at Ling Siyun, Ling Siyun nodded, of course she knew this.

The Liuli Sect will definitely not recruit those who have evil intentions, otherwise, wouldn't it be the same as before?

Thinking of those who left during the most difficult time of the Liuli Sect, Ling Siyun couldn't help getting angry.

When the Liuli faction had no accidents, they didn't suffer any grievances, but when the Liuli faction had an accident, they left. How could Ling Siyun not be angry?

"I said you're fine, it's been so long, why are you so angry? Those people have left, and the Liuli Sect has become much cleaner, hasn't it?"

Zimeng looked at Ling Siyun with a smile, and Ling Siyun also smiled, yes, the current Liuli School is peaceful, there are no intrigues, Ling Siyun and the others are just busy with their cultivation, and don't need to worry about those miscellaneous troublesome things.

"Also, I have nothing to do in the past few days. I will refine some elixirs for you. At that time, those who have done something for the Liuli Sect can give them a elixir that will help them."

Although she seldom appears in the Liuli Sect, she still can't ignore the affairs of the Liuli Sect, even if it's just refining some pills, it's still okay.

"That's hard work." Ling Siyun was not polite, and smiled at Zimeng.

Zi Meng stretched her waist. If she wanted to refine the elixir, she would definitely need a lot of medicinal materials. However, Zi Meng was sure that the medicinal materials on her body were almost exhausted, so she had to go out to find them!

Bored, Ling Siyun told Zimeng about the recent situation of the Liuli School and some small things that happened recently.

(End of this chapter)

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