Chapter 988 Repaying Kindness
Zi Meng looked at the fruits, and then turned to look at Di Yuanmo. Di Yuanmo was helping Zi Meng find the seeds of other plants. Zi Meng grinned and opened her mouth to bite.

"You can't eat it, you will die if you eat it." A woman's voice yelled, interrupting Zimeng's movements immediately.

Di Yuanmo turned his head to look at Zimeng. Looking at Zimeng's movements, he knew what she wanted to do.

"Zi'er, can you stop being so naughty? What if something happens to you if you eat this?" Di Yuanmo walked to Zimeng's side and took the fruit from her hand.

"I just want to try it, girl, who are you?" Zi Meng chuckled at Di Yuanmo, and looked at the person who interrupted her.

It was a girl in Tsing Yi, her eyes were very clear, her jet-black hair was coiled up high, and she was dressed in a strong outfit, making her look very refreshing.

"I'm just passing by. In this forest, poisons are the most common, especially brightly colored fruits like this."

Although she said it easily, Zimeng could still see the exhaustion on her face.

"Thank you for your reminder, because we just came here, so we don't know much about the plants here. If it weren't for your reminder, I would almost swallow it. Ah, by the way, my name is Zimeng, may I ask your surname?"

Zimeng thanked her with a smile, but she just nodded slightly to Zimeng, "Yin Chenxi."

Seeing that she was about to leave, Zimeng decided to stop her, "Wait a minute."

She stopped and turned to look at Zimeng, not understanding what Zimeng was calling her for.

"Is your body okay? I think your complexion is not very good." Zi Meng hesitated for a moment, and then spoke slowly. After Zi Meng said, her expression became a little unnatural.

"It's okay, you'd better leave quickly!" She took a deep breath and prepared to leave after speaking.

Zimeng shrugged her shoulders. She said she was fine, and Zimeng couldn't continue to ask questions, so she could only watch her leave.

However, Zimeng really wanted to ask her where this place is, but, looking at her, she seemed to be in a hurry!Zimeng was also embarrassed to stop him.

After she left, Zi Meng turned to look at Di Yuanmo.

"In the future, you are not allowed to eat these things casually, you know?" Di Yuanmo stretched out his hand and tapped Zi Meng's nose, Zi Meng smiled embarrassedly.

She really just wanted to taste it. Who knew that this thing looked so beautiful, but in fact, it would be so scary?

"Let's go, we have to find a way out, we can't stay here forever." Di Yuanmo threw away the fruit in his hand, then took Zi Meng's hand, and walked in the direction where Yin Chenxi left.

It wasn't that Di Yuanmo wanted to follow her, but that they thought they would be able to walk out of the forest following Yin Chenxi's direction, but they didn't expect that Yin Chenxi was walking in the deepest part of the forest.

"Brother, how are you doing?" Not long after they left, Zimeng heard Yin Chenxi's voice.

"It's okay, don't worry, I have a big life, I can't die, but it's hard work for you to run with me to such a dangerous place." The very weak voice made Zimeng a little concerned, Yin Chenxi helped her, and she had to help her too !
Zi Meng turned to look at Di Yuanmo in some embarrassment, wanting to ask his opinion, Di Yuanmo naturally knew what Zi Meng was thinking, so he nodded with a smile.

His family's Zi'er wanted to save someone, and he would never stop him. This could be regarded as repaying Yin Chenxi's kindness for preventing Zi Meng from eating that poisonous fruit!

(End of this chapter)

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