Chapter 990

Yin Chenxi looked up at Di Yuanmo, and was stunned. She was shocked by Di Yuanmo's appearance.

In Zhu Wu Continent, she had never seen such a handsome man as Di Yuanmo.

However, soon, she came back to her senses, looking at the relationship between Zimeng and Di Yuanmo, it must be unusual, I am afraid that falling in love with him will not have a good ending.

What's more, although Di Yuanmo is very handsome, in Yin Chenxi's heart, her senior brother is the best.

"A quiet and safe place?" Yin Chenxi frowned and looked at the unconscious Gu Fanjing, thinking about Zimeng's request in his mind.

It's really hard to find a quiet and safe place here, and she doesn't know where to find it!

In Yin Chenxi's mind, there was only one place that could be called safe and quiet. However, outsiders could not enter the place she thought of.

In other places, she doesn't know where is suitable, what should I do?
"What's wrong? Is it difficult?" Zimeng looked at Yin Chenxi who was full of confusion.

"No, forget it, you guys come with me, I will find a way." Yin Chenxi said, and took out a stone, Zi Meng blinked her eyes when she saw the stone.

She really wanted to know, what is the use of a stone?

After Yin Chenxi crushed the stone in her hand, a door for one person to pass through appeared in front of her. Yin Chenxi helped Gu Fanjing up, looked at Zimeng and Di Yuanmo, and walked into the portal.

Di Yuanmo and Zi Meng looked at each other and walked in. A burst of dizziness caused Zi Meng to lie in Di Yuan Mo's arms. Di Yuan Mo held Zi Meng firmly in his arms to make her feel more comfortable. .

When the dizziness disappeared, they had already exited the portal. In front of them was a magnificent gate. There were a few disciples dressed similarly to Yin Chenxi standing at the gate.

"Junior Sister, are you back? What's wrong, Senior Brother?" A group of disciples rushed over when they saw Yin Chenxi.

"It's okay, you send the senior brother back to his residence first, I will go to the master uncle, these two are my friends, you can't embarrass them, you know?"

After Yin Chenxi looked at Zimeng and Diyuan Mojiang, she explained to those disciples. After those disciples nodded, she rushed into the gate in a hurry.

At this time, Zi Meng really looked at the gate in front of her. The plaque on the gate was engraved with the words "Jixuanmen".

The corners of Zimeng's mouth couldn't help but twitch, wouldn't this kind of sect be popular in Zhuwu Continent, right?
It is really helpless!

"Are you tired? Do you want to rest for a while?" Di Yuanmo looked down at Zimeng. Afterwards, Zimeng will help Gu Fanjing heal his wounds. If he doesn't rest well now, it will definitely be very hard next time.

"Now I want to go out and have a look at the world, hehe." Zi Meng snuggled into Di Yuanmo's arms, smiling happily.

Now, Zimeng is not worried about whether she can enter Jixuanmen or not, what she wants is to go there for a while.

As for whether you can go in, Yin Chenxi has to solve it, not her. If you can go in, she will heal Gu Fanjing well.

If she can't get in, then she has no choice but to go around with Di Yuanmo, hoping to meet something interesting!

"I don't know when she will come out. I have been waiting for a long time, and I already want to leave. Otherwise, let's go to another place first?"

Zimeng looked at Di Yuanmo with a smile, and Di Yuanmo looked at her and shook his head helplessly.

(End of this chapter)

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