Chapter 128 Your Majesty, Accept Me! 2
Sure enough, facing Duguchen's dark eyes, Lei Luo couldn't help shaking violently in his heart!
His eyes flickered slightly, and he bowed his head in response: "Master, don't worry, this subordinate will definitely bring Miss Long back!"

After a while, wait for the master and servant to leave from the front hall.

Yuan Mingyue, who had been standing in the hall, frowned slightly, thought for a moment, then walked out of the hall quickly, and disappeared into the vast night outside the hall...


night, deep into the water.

Duguchen's dormitory has never been, and the oil lamp has never been extinguished!
Nearly four o'clock, looking at the sky outside the window, gradually brightening, his originally deep and unpredictable eyes couldn't help but dim again!
Long Chuxiu's dormitory is in the room next to his, if she comes back, she must pass by his door.

Therefore, last night, he stayed up all night, always hoping that he could hear the door opening outside in the middle of the night.

But, to his disappointment, she did not come back overnight as he had expected...

The next day was fine and sunny.

Waking up early in the morning, Nangong Xiao Ran planned to take Yuan Xiuyue to see Xuanyuan Tang, but after waiting and waiting, she still did not see her coming out of the dormitory until the hour passed.

Reluctantly, he had no choice but to order the palace servants outside to go inside temporarily to shout at her.

Out of Duguchen's control, Yuan Xiuyue's sleep was extraordinarily sweet!

Feeling someone calling her, she frowned, and slowly opened her sleepy face.Her bright eyes narrowed slightly, staring at the palace man in front of the bed, she was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help smiling at him: "Good morning!"

Being stunned by her early words, the palace man held the corner of his lips reluctantly, and smiled at her: "Miss, it's getting late, the hour has passed, and the prince is still waiting for you outside! "

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue was slightly taken aback!
Looking up at the room, she gave an uncomfortable dry smile, and then got up to wash up.

It didn't take long, and everything was ready, she finally came belatedly, and appeared in front of Nangong Xiao Ran: "His Royal Highness Ning Wang, let's go!"

"Not urgent!"

Smiling lightly at Yuan Xiuyue, Nangong Xiao Ran turned sideways slightly, and pointed to a table of food in the hall.

Looking sideways, Yuan Xiuyue's eyes lit up instantly.

"King Ning is the one who knows me!"

Glancing at the palace people around her, she gave Nangong Xiaoran a sideways glance with a smile, then walked quickly to the table, picked up the chopsticks and started eating.

After eating two mouthfuls, she distractedly glanced at Nangong Xiaoran, seeing that he was only smiling and standing aside watching her eating, Yuan Xiuyue stopped picking up the food for a moment, and raised her eyes to look at him: "Aren't you going to eat together?"

"Of course I have to eat!"

The smile on his face was always as gentle as the weather outside, Nangong Xiaoran nodded lightly, then sat down on his lower body, picked up chopsticks and ate very gracefully.

Seeing him like this, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help but chuckled lightly.

This man, no matter when and where, is so elegant, so elegant that, as a woman, she would feel ashamed of herself!
After a while, feeling that she was full, she hiccupped in satisfaction, then raised her eyes to look at Nangong Xiaoran.

At this moment, Nangong Xiaoran had already stopped his chopsticks, and was staring at her with a smile in his eyes.

In the end, there was no doubt that his slightly narrowed eyes collided with her bright eyes impartially!
At this moment, Nangong Xiaoran felt his heart tremble!

Putting his hands on the table, he curled up slightly, and the corners of his lips, which had been slightly raised, rose again, and there was an undisguised pampering in his tone: "Are you full?"

"Of course I'm full!"

Nodding slightly, feeling the deep affection in his eyes, Yuan Xiuyue smiled lightly and looked away, then turned to look towards the door: "Let's go!"

"it is good!"

Nodding his head lightly, Nangong Xiaoran stood up and left Taoyuan Residence together with her to meet Xuanyuantang!

Last night, after the banquet was over, Xuanyuan Tang returned to Fengluan Palace to rest as a queen.

Therefore, at this moment Nangong Xiaoran took Yuan Xiuyue away from Taoyuan Residence, and went directly to Fengluan Palace!
Fengluan Palace was the first palace where Yuan Xiuyue lived after entering the palace, and it was also the place where she lived in the palace for the longest time.

From the time she entered the palace to the time she asked to be deposed, in the two years, every bit of her life happened here.

Right now, return to Fengluan Palace.

Looking at the familiar buildings and things in front of her, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help feeling inexplicable in her heart!

Here, there are too many memories of her...

Outside the main hall, the person on duty is still Lin Sheng.

At this moment, he is standing respectfully outside the hall.

Raising his eyes slightly, seeing Nangong Xiao Ran bringing a strange woman forward, his brows frowned slightly, but he still greeted him with a smile: "I see His Highness King Ning!"

"Forget it!"

The corners of his lips hooked slightly, and he asked Lin Sheng to stand up with a faint smile. Nangong Xiaoran asked softly, "Has Concubine Xian got up?"

Seeing the shape of his mouth, Lin Sheng was slightly stunned, and then smiled respectfully in front of him and replied, "His Royal Highness Ning, the people living in Fengluan Palace, there is no virtuous princess, only empress empress!"

Hearing this, Nangong Xiao Ran was slightly taken aback.

After a while, he nodded again and said: "Eunuch Lin is right, there is only the empress and empress here, so please ask Eunuch Lin to go in and report to the empress, this king brought the younger sister of Princess Xian to come to have an audience!"

Hearing what Nangong Xiao Ran said, Lin Sheng's complexion changed slightly.

He cast a sideways glance at Yuan Xiuyue, saw her nodding with a smile on her face, and he also nodded with a light smile, "I'm going to report now, my slave!" After saying that, he turned back and entered the hall.

Not long after, Lin Sheng left and returned.

Gently respecting Nangong Xiao Ran, he bowed his head and raised his arms: "The empress please let me in!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue frowned!
Taking a sideways glance at Nangong Xiaoran, she asked in a puzzled voice, "Why am I the only one going in? Where is His Royal Highness Prince Ning?"

Following her gaze, Lin Sheng smiled lightly at Nangong Xiao Ran, and then respectfully said lightly to him: "The Empress said, I need to talk to my sister about some things, King Ning doesn't need to be present!"

"This king understands, there is Mr. Lau Lin!"

Pursing his lips and smiling at Lin Sheng, Nangong Xiao Ran gave Yuan Xiuyue a wink, "Young lady Long can go in by herself!"

Quietly, looking at her, Yuan Xiuyue lightly frowned: "What about the prince?"

"I don't care about political affairs, I'm very free every day..." Nangong Xiaoran raised his eyebrows lightly with a smile, and pointed to a pavilion not far away: "I'm going to make a pot of tea over there." , just wait for the girl!"

Turning her head to look at the pavilion not far away, Yuan Xiuyue nodded lightly: "That's fine too!"

Anyway, she wanted to have a good talk with Xuanyuantang about something, and if he was there, it would indeed be inappropriate!

Fengluan Palace, inside the main hall.

As in the past, in the furnace, the faint fragrance of lavender drifts with the smoke, and it is full of fragrance.

As soon as she entered the hall, Yuan Xiuyue's lips could not help but twitch slightly when she smelled this tangy aroma.

Above the main hall, Xuanyuan Tang was still disguised as her, dressed in a splendid attire, leaning lazily on the brocade couch, beside her, Ting Lan's eyes were drooping, and she never raised her eyes to look down.

Looking far away, staring at the other self in the high position and Ting Lan beside her, Yuan Xiuyue secretly sighed, there are no wonders in the world!

Feeling the glint of light in Xuanyuan Tang's lowered pupils, her eyes flickered slightly, took a deep breath, and then slowly stepped forward: "The daughter of the people, Long Chuxiu, sees the empress!"

The phoenix eyes were raised slightly, looking at Yuan Xiuyue at the bottom of the main hall, Xuanyuan Tang sat up lightly, waved to the attendants in the main hall and said: "I have something to talk to Princess Xian's younger sister, please let me know." Everyone back down!"



They all responded, and finally retreated towards the outside of the hall.

Looking up at Ting Lan beside her, seeing that she was going out too, Xuanyuan Tang couldn't help saying again: "Ting Lan stay!"

Hearing this, Ting Lan's body trembled slightly, and she hurriedly bowed her head, "Your servant obeys!"

Not long after, the palace people retreated, and there were only three people left in the main hall.

Slowly getting up from the brocade couch, Xuanyuan Tang narrowed his bright eyes, and walked down step by step.

Seeing her approaching, Yuan Xiuyue's lips twitched slightly, but she didn't rush to make a sound, and let her circle around her twice first.

"Dragon out of Xiu?"

Staring at Yuan Xiuyue with fiery gaze, Xuanyuantang softly called her current name.


Blessed again, she bowed to Xuanyuan Tang, Yuan Xiuyue raised her eyes slightly, and met her smiling eyes: "The daughter of the people, Long Chuxiu, is the granddaughter of the dragon mother-in-law of the owner of Juxian Building outside the city!"

"is it?"

The arc of the corners of the lips was very nice. Xuanyuantang raised his chin slightly and nodded lightly: "Concubine Xian grew up in Juxianlou and was brought up by the dragon mother-in-law. If you are the granddaughter of the dragon mother-in-law, That's her sister!"


Nodding her head lightly, knowing that Xuanyuantang was reminding herself that she knew that her identity was false, Yuan Xiuyue smiled lightly, and then deliberately asked: "Excuse me, empress, do you know where Minnu's sister is at the moment? Minnu I have something very important to talk to her about!"

"Of course!"

With his eyes narrowed slightly, Xuanyuan Tang stepped inwards: "Concubine Xian is resting in the palace's bedroom at the moment, you come in with me!"

"The daughter of the people obeys the order!"

With a pleasant smile on the corner of her lips, Yuan Xiuyue raised her eyes to take a deep look at Ting Lan, and followed Xuanyuan Tang into the inner hall!
In the inner hall, there are still several palace servants cleaning.

Turning away a few people, not allowing anyone to come in, and ordering Ting Lan to prepare tea, Xuanyuan Tang once again focused his gaze on Yuan Xiuyue.

Raising her eyes and looking at her, Yuan Xiuyue smiled secretly when she saw her looking at her all the time, but her face was like a frightened deer, and she asked softly, "Mother, where is Minnv's sister?"


There was a hint of anger in the voice. After staring at her for a long time, Xuanyuantang finally sighed helplessly, then took her hand, and said angrily: "You are outside alone, and you will stay for a year. It's been... how are you?"

Knowing her identity earlier, even if she could hide it from anyone, she couldn't hide it from Xuanyuantang alone. Yuan Xiuyue smiled lightly, and felt that she was holding her hand tightly, her heart moved slightly, and she held her hand instead : "You also said just now that you were brought up by Luang Po since you were young. How can I live with Luang Po?"

(End of this chapter)

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