Chapter 130 Your Majesty, Accept Me! 4
"Okay, wrap it on me!"

He nodded lightly, but still couldn't help but tremble with laughter, Xuanyuantang's face gradually turned red.

"Ting Lan..."

After finally stopping her smile, she turned around slightly, and was just about to order to prepare a sumptuous lunch when she heard Ji Heng's high-pitched and shrill voice singing from outside the bedroom: "The emperor is here!"

Hearing the sound, Yuan Xiuyue was startled, and her face turned pale instantly!
On the side, Xuanyuan Tang and Ting Lan also had serious expressions on their faces!
Suddenly returning to her senses, she looked up at Xuanyuan Tang, Yuan Xiuyue didn't care much about it, so she hurriedly got up and bowed her head respectfully by her side.

In the next moment, Nangong Haoling, dressed in bright yellow, entered slowly from the outer hall.

"My concubine sees the emperor, long live my emperor!" Slowly getting up, Xuanyuan Tang Ping Ting stepped forward and got down in front of Nangong Haoling, followed closely by Yuan Xiuyue and Ting Lan. Shout out my emperor long live!

"Sister-in-law, get up!"

The slightly cold gaze, like winter ice, swept across Yuan Xiuyue, Nangong Haoling slightly raised his hand, gave Xuanyuantang a virtual support, and signaled her to get up.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

With a light response, the corners of Xuanyuantang's lips hooked slightly, and he smiled faintly at Nangong Haoling.

She also returned it with a light smile, concentrating on her face that looked like Yuan Xiuyue's at the moment, Nangong Haoling couldn't help flooding with longing that was deeply buried in her heart.

After he got off the morning court, he ran to Fengluan Palace, wasn't it just to see this face more? !

Seeing Nangong Haoling staring at him in a daze, Xuanyuantang couldn't help pursing his red lips, and waved his hand in front of his eyes.

Frowning, she turned around, Nangong Haoling's eyes turned, and her eyes once again stopped on Yuan Xiuyue, who was looking down at her feet with lowered eyebrows at the moment behind her.

Feeling his icy gaze, Yuan Xiuyue's heart trembled, and she couldn't help lowering her head even lower.

Turning around lightly, following Nangong Haoling's line of sight, Xuanyuantang smiled, and then stepped forward to pull Yuan Xiuyue over to Nangong Haoling: "Your Majesty, this is the younger sister of my concubine named Longchuxiu. , I grew up with the dragon mother-in-law since childhood, so I can't be regarded as an outsider!"

"I know!"

The gentle and elegant voice came out smoothly, Nangong Haoling stared at Long Chuxiu for a moment, his eyes were slightly sad, but he tried his best to bear it: "Your sister, I once had a relationship once!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue's heart trembled slightly, and she immediately raised her eyes.

Seeing Nangong Haoling looking at her with a flat expression, she couldn't help her heart beating faster, so she could only frowned and tried her best to calm herself down.

"Girl, don't you remember me?"

Nangong Haoling raised the corners of her lips bitterly: "Last year, in the medicine garden..."

The mood froze, and the last time they met last year suddenly appeared in her mind. Yuan Xiuyue suddenly came back to her senses, and quickly pursed the corners of her lips, showing a smile at the bottom of her eyes: "Your Majesty... who are you?"

Smiling lightly, without responding, Nangong Haoling stepped forward and sat down on the imperial concubine's couch in the hall.

Seeing his indifference towards her, Yuan Xiuyue felt a pang in her heart.

When she looked up, she saw Xuanyuan Tang smiling at her, she frowned again, stepped forward lightly, and stood still in front of Nangong Haoling: "Did you find the person the emperor was looking for that time?"

Hearing her question, Nangong Haoling's originally indifferent expression couldn't help changing slightly!
Yuan Xiuyue frowned slightly, then squinted her eyes, pretending to be a nympho, and smiled at Nangong Hao Lingqiao: "The emperor was born so handsome, and I love the emperor so much." There are countless women like crossing the river... As the saying goes, there is no grass anywhere in the world, if you can't find the original one, there are many better ones than her!"

Hearing this, Nangong Haoling's handsome brows couldn't help but frown slightly!

Seeing the admiration in the eyes of the woman in front of him, he couldn't help feeling disgusted in his heart.

Coldly, the corners of his lips curled up, he squinted at her, and said in a gloomy tone: "The other girl that the girl is referring to, can't it be the girl herself?!"


Pretending to be shy and nodding her head, Yuan Xiuyue bit her lower lip lightly, and murmured: "Since the emperor left the medicine garden last year, the heroic figure of the emperor has always appeared in the minds of the girls... Uh, I like the emperor, if the emperor is willing ... then accept me!"

"What's this all about!"

Seeing the displeasure in Nangong Haoling's eyes, she also knew Yuan Xiuyue's thoughts, but Xuanyuantang really couldn't bear to watch Yuan Xiuyue's every move. Put the back of Yuan Xiuyue's head: "Stand aside first, don't embarrass my sister once you enter the palace!"

"elder sister……"

Xuanyuantang's hands were naturally not too strong, but Yuan Xiuyue still stretched out her hands to caress her head with an aggrieved face!
"Shut up!" I couldn't help laughing in my heart, but I had to hold it back temporarily, Xuanyuantang gave Yuan Xiuyue a hard look, not allowing her to speak out.Stepping forward slowly, he walked up to Nangong Haoling and sat on the round stool beside him. Xuanyuantang smiled softly and said softly: "Your Majesty, look, my sister admires you wholeheartedly. She entered the palace..."

"do not want!"

Frowning lightly, Nangong Haoling replied coldly to Xuanyuantang's words.

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help curling her mouth, with a look of grievance on her face!

Frowning slightly, Nangong Haoling looked coldly at Yuan Xiuyue behind him: "I saw you walking with King Yue yesterday?"


Yuan Xiuyue bowed her head and bowed her body, Yuan Xiuyue replied in a low voice: "When Minnv was in Juxian Tower, he treated Yue Wang's wounds, and this is why he brought Minv into the palace this trip!"

"Are you the one who detoxified him?"

The eyebrows were deeply wrinkled, and a cold look flashed in Nangong Haoling's faint eyes!
Seeing him like this, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help being shocked!
Just at this time, Xuanyuan Tang on the side smiled and said to her to save her: "I know who can cure the poison I prepared, so it's you, sister!"


Feeling that Nangong Haoling's eyes were colder than before, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help but bury her head lower.


Smiling at Yuan Xiuyue, Xuanyuantang raised his eyes to Nangong Haoling: "Isn't there always been a lack of an imperial physician with excellent medical skills?"

Hearing this, Nangong Haoling's eyes narrowed slightly: "Sister-in-law Huang means..."

Smiling lightly, Xuanyuantang sighed lightly, and said: "The concubine wants the emperor to accept his sister into the palace, but the emperor is unwilling!"

Seeing her mentioning this topic again, Nangong Haoling couldn't help turning cold again!
Seeing his cold expression in his eyes, Xuanyuan Tang secretly said that when you regretted it, he said with a smile: "Since that's the case, the emperor will keep her in the imperial hospital so that she can do her best for the emperor." !"

"elder sister!"

Wishing to gag Xuanyuantang's mouth in her heart, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help calling Xuanyuantang softly.

God knows, the flattery and admiration she showed to Nangong Haoling just now is to make him hate herself from the bottom of his heart, because only by staying away from him can she disguise herself better.

But what about Xuanyuantang?
She clearly knew what she was thinking, but she deliberately wanted to keep her by his side.

Gently raising his eyes, he glanced at Yuan Xiuyue with a half-smile, and Xuanyuantang's gaze once again landed on Nangong Haoling.

"Since the emperor's sister-in-law has spoken, let's leave her behind!" Nangong Haoling's voice was a little colder than before, looking up at her half-smiling eyes.

Hearing this, Xuanyuan Tang smiled happily, while Yuan Xiuyue's eyes darkened slightly!
Looking at Xuanyuantang's smiling face calmly, the corners of Nangong Haoling's lips could not help but twitch slightly.

Staring at his slightly curved lips, Yuan Xiuyue's heart moved, and she couldn't help but also bent the corners of her lips.

Looking back suddenly, she caught a glimpse of the corners of her slightly curved lips. Nangong Haoling's originally slightly curved lips suddenly retracted. Then he turned his head coldly and said to Xuanyuantang: "I still have work to do, so I'm going back to the imperial study first!"

Yu Luo, he got up and left Fengluan Palace without even looking at Yuan Xiuyue!

After confirming that he was leaving, Yuan Xiuyue directly ordered Ting Lan to close the gate of the palace.

Turning around, seeing that Xuanyuantang was still smiling, she couldn't help but turn cold: "You did it on purpose!"

Xuanyuantang smiled: "Didn't you do it on purpose?"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue's brows turned cold, and she stood aside angrily and said nothing.

"Why are you angry?" Looking at Yuan Xiuyue's slightly cold pretty face, Xuanyuan Tang frowned slightly: "I'm helping you!"

"help me?"

The eyebrows also twisted up, Yuan Xiuyue crossed her arms and said, "Forcing me to stay by her side, are you doing me a favor?"

Hearing this, Xuanyuantang smiled instead of anger: "Aren't you going to get rid of King Yue? The only one who can get you rid of him now is the emperor, and..." She took two steps forward and lightly embraced Yuan Xiuyue's shoulders, she said earnestly : "I just said that your leg can be cured. If that's the case, why do you need to go out of the palace again?"

After hearing Xuanyuantang's words, Yuan Xiuyue's heart couldn't help but move slightly.

Seeing her like this, Xuanyuantang said persistently: "Okay, now that the matter is a foregone conclusion, don't worry about it any longer. Didn't you say that King Ning has been waiting outside the palace? Why don't you hurry over and let him know ?”

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue frowned, pondered for a while, and finally, after giving Xuanyuantang another hard look, she turned and left Fengluan Palace to look for Nangong Xiaoran.

Seeing the sound of Yuan Xiuyue leaving, Xuanyuantang couldn't help sighing secretly.

Thinking of the injury on her leg, her eyes couldn't help but darken again!

After leaving Fengluan Palace, Yuan Xiuyue went directly to the gazebo agreed by Nangong Xiaoran, but to her surprise, the pavilion was empty, Nangong Xiaoran had long since disappeared!
Thinking that she had been in for too long, he might have gone to the garden again, Yuan Xiuyue pursed her lips slightly, and walked quickly towards the imperial garden.

After seven turns and eight turns, I finally arrived at the Royal Garden.

From far away, she saw Nangong Xiaoran standing beside the lotus pond not far away. She was overjoyed, and just about to speak out, she suddenly felt a pain in the back of her neck, and immediately fell into darkness... …

(End of this chapter)

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