Chapter 240 Pretending to Amnesia 4
Hearing this, Ting Lan stagnated slightly!
"Young maidservant, let's go!" She secretly sighed in her heart, she responded lightly, got up from the ground, and went to the dormitory respectfully.

"Ting Lan!"

With a soft and faint voice, Nangong Xiaoran called Ting Lan.

Hearing the sound, Ting Lan frowned, and couldn't help turning around to meet his slightly bright eyes: "My lord..."

Meeting Ting Lan's eyes, Nangong Xiaoran bent his lips and smiled like a spring breeze: "Tell her, I want to see her too!"

"Nangong Xiaoran!"

With a slap on the table in front of them, Ting Lan and Xuanyuan Tang trembled in fright, Nangong Haoling said coldly the name of Nangong Xiaoran, and then raised his eyes coldly, with a gloomy expression: "Don't forget Yes, she is my woman!"

Hearing this, Nangong Xiao Ran frowned slightly: "Of course I know that she is the emperor's woman, not only that, but the child in her belly is also the emperor's heir, but this does not affect my liking her and wanting to see her." Urgent mood!"

As soon as Nangong Xiaoran said this, the sound of needles falling could be heard in the hall!
For a moment, in the hall, Nangong Haoling and Nangong Xiaoran met each other's eyes, their eyes flickered, and the two refused to give in to each other!

After a moment of suffocation, he couldn't help coughing lightly, breaking the confrontation between the two, Xuanyuan Tang stepped forward and stood in front of Ting Lan: "The emperor and brother Ning are in a bad mood at the moment, it is not suitable to see the empress, At this moment, I will go over with you to have a look, if not, let the empress sleep first!"

Hearing this, Nangong Haoling frowned slightly, while Nangong Xiaoran also frowned slightly.

After the two looked at each other, they both turned around, looked at Xuanyuantang, and said in unison: "We are in a very good mood now!"

Hearing this, whether it was Xuanyuan Tang, Ting Lan, or Yuan Wende on one side, they all looked slightly startled, and then the corners of their lips twitched...

Their mood has really changed so fast!
The snow outside the window, like goose feathers, fluttered down from the sky non-stop.

Night is deep.

It's already time for the second watch.

But outside the sleeping hall of Jishan Palace, Yuan Wende stood awe-inspiring, but inside the sleeping hall, the lights were still brightly lit.

Sitting on the bed, Yuan Xiuyue pursed her lips tightly, looking at Nangong Haoling and Nangong Xiaoran who were seated at the table not far away, her clear pupils were full of searching.


After seeing each other for a long time, Yuan Xiuyue still didn't make a sound, she was looking at herself and Nangong Xiaoran carefully, Nangong Haoling couldn't help frowning slightly, and couldn't help but make a gesture to get up from the table.

"Don't come here!"

Raising her hand in a hurry, she couldn't help leaning behind Ting Lan who was beside her. With a look of panic on her face, Yuan Xiuyue murmured to Ting Lan in a voice that everyone could hear: "Ting Lan, he is the emperor, he is taller than you. The two dogs in Yunyang City are all good-looking..."

"Who is the second dog?"

The name Er Gouzi is really not very good. People say that he lives up to his name, so he must have a bad life.

At this moment, being compared with Er Gouzi by Yuan Xiuyue, Nangong Haoling naturally frowned, his face was as dark as an iceberg of ten thousand years!
Seeing this, Yuan Xiuyue frowned lightly, stretched out her hand to caress her stomach, and whispered in Ting Lan's ear again: "Ting Lan, you lied, didn't you say that he is very gentle to me? Why do I see you now? He, you just think he is fierce?"

Hearing her words, Nangong Haoling's complexion changed slightly!
Feeling weak, he sat back again, and he frowned lightly, trying to soften his face, "Yue'er, I am your husband and the father of the child in your womb, how could I be cruel to you? Ting Lan is right, I am really gentle to you."

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue's eyes softened slightly!
Blinking lightly, then blinking again, she stared at Nangong Haoling for a long time!

Seeing her staring at him all the time, Nangong Haoling naturally wouldn't miss this opportunity to perform well.

Therefore, no matter how long Yuan Xiuyue looked at him, he held his handsome smiling face for a long time.

After a long time, Yuan Xiuyue slightly hooked her lips, nodded and said with a smile: "The emperor is so beautiful, no wonder he will be my husband!"

Hearing this, Nangong Haoling was overjoyed!
However, before he could speak, Yuan Xiuyue turned his eyes slightly, and asked Nangong Xiaoran who had been sitting at the table leisurely drinking tea: "You are King Ning... Ting Lan said that you used to be my husband! "

Seeing her like this, the enthusiasm in Nangong Haoling's heart seemed to be poured with a basin of cold water, and it cooled instantly. In just a moment, his handsome face fell down, and the smile on his face was gone!

The thin and beautiful lips were slightly raised. Under the candlelight, Nangong Xiao Ranfeng looked like jade, and met Yuan Xiuyue's eyes. An Guohou Mansion, I have taught you for several years..."


When he came to the Marquis of Anguo, he used the euphemistic name to teach Yuan Xiuyue piano, chess, calligraphy and painting.

But heaven and earth can learn from each other.

If he doesn't teach, he doesn't know. Once he teaches, he will be shocked!
Yuan Xiuyue is not only proficient in piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, but also proficient in pharmacology, which really impresses him!
Therefore, during those three years, he simply had nothing to do and wasted his time with her.

And at this moment, if he had taught her something again, he would indeed feel a little guilty.

"Then I will respect you sir! Sir, you are also very good-looking!" Yuan Xiuyue praised Nangong Xiaoran without hesitation, smiling lightly before her eyes, a handsome man with the same peerless charm as Nangong Haoling Looking at Nangong Haoling's expression, she already guessed that he was about to get angry again, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help laughing to herself, but she still added fuel to the matter: "Ting Lan said, Mr. is gentle and considerate, He is a rare good man in the world!"

Nangong Haoling said that she always likes to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger!

But this Nangong Xiaoran, compared to her, is even worse!
From the time when he kept his name incognito and entered the palace to act as his husband, to later he pretended to surrender to Duguchen, and then a few days ago, on this Jishan Mountain, he deceived her around.

He... is indeed her husband!

Even when she was deceiving, she didn't blush, her heart didn't beat, she entered the play with sincerity, and she smiled lightly. Compared to her, she was so skilled every day!

But it doesn't matter, today she used this skill to the highest level, and even deceived him together!

As for him, he must have someone to be afraid of!

On the side, seeing Yuan Xiuyue staring at Nangong Xiaoran in a daze, Nangong Haoling couldn't help but secretly annoyed in his heart!
He thought, this girl Ting Lan must have been in front of Yuan Xiuyue all the time, speaking for Nangong Xiaoran, that's why she is like this at this moment!

Thinking of this, he frowned, and couldn't help but look up at Ting Lan.

Facing his cold and sharp eyes, Ting Lan trembled and quickly lowered her head!
Seeing her like this, Nangong Xiaoran only thought that she was a guilty conscience, and stood up from the table with a cold snort.


Thinking that he was going to step forward, Yuan Xiuyue's heart trembled, and she quickly backed away with a look of panic on her face.

Seeing this, Nangong Haoling felt dark in his heart, but said coldly: "Don't be afraid, I don't like the overlord to force his bow, it's getting late, since you can't see me now, I will go to the Nuan Pavilion outside for the time being Take a rest!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue felt a little cold in her heart!

This guy, just thinking about going to sleep before he's done anything?

despise him!
She seriously despised him in her heart!
Just when Yuan Xiuyue was secretly slandering her, Nangong Haoling took another deep look at her, and then said to Nangong Xiaoran: "There are many residences in this palace, if you have nothing to do, you should go to rest earlier!"

After the words fell, he turned to Ting Lan and said: "You can take your King Ning to the East Chamber to rest later!"

The East Wing, on the easternmost side of the palace, is far away from the bedroom where she lives now, and it will take a long time to walk.

Nangong Xiaoran made him unhappy, he naturally wouldn't make him too comfortable, not only that, he also deliberately sent Nangong Xiaoran and Ting Lan directly to make a pile!
After hearing what he said, Ting Lan's expression turned dry!
As for Yuan Xiuyue, she wanted to laugh but couldn't, so she could only hold back, and asked Ting Lan with a frown, "Ting Lan, are you and Mr...."


Her cheeks were red, Ting Lan lowered her head and said to Nangong Xiaoran: "Please move to the East Chamber!"


Standing up gracefully, feeling that Nangong Haoling's joke was harmless, Nangong Xiaoran smiled gently at Yuan Xiuyue: "How about I come to have dinner with the empress tomorrow morning?"

"Naturally good!"

Cursing her lips lightly, Yuan Xiuyue nodded and watched Ting Lan send Nangong Xiaoran to the East Chamber.

After Nangong Xiao Ran left, Nangong Haoling left in no hurry.

"That..." Pursing her lips slightly, suppressing the smile in her heart, Yuan Xiuyue looked at Nangong Haoling who had been standing in the dormitory hesitantly, with a look of guard on her face: "Isn't the emperor going to the Nuan Pavilion to rest?" ? Now you have a son, why don't you leave?"

Hearing this, the corners of Nangong Haoling's lips twitched lightly!
He is the emperor, women will stick to him when they see him, when was he driven out?
He raised his head and glanced at Yuan Xiuyue, but seeing the alert look on her pretty face, he frowned tightly, raised his hand and yawned big, and then said to Princess Xian beside him: "I'm a little tired, Your Majesty Aren't sister-in-law going to rest?"

"Uh... take a break, take a break!"

Nodding repeatedly, Xuanyuantang understood what he meant, and paid deep respect to Nangong Haoling and Yuan Xiuyue, then turned around and left the bedroom as well.

Seeing that Xuanyuan Tang left, only herself and Nangong Haoling were left in the dormitory, Yuan Xiuyue secretly laughed in her heart, but shouted very eagerly: "Sister-in-law, stay a little longer, wait for Ting Lan to come back and then... go !"

By the time he left the words, Xuanyuantang had long since disappeared.

Looking up again, seeing Nangong Haoling staring at her with deep eyes, her heart suddenly jumped, and she deliberately said: "Isn't the emperor going to the Nuan Pavilion?"

Hearing this, Nangong Haoling couldn't help laughing bitterly and said, "Has Yue'er read the Commandments for Women?"


Nodding lightly, Yuan Xiuyue frowned and replied, "As a woman, I have read the Commandments for Women!"

"It's good to have read it!" Nodding slightly, Nangong Haoling walked towards the warm couch quickly, curled his thin lips lightly, and smiled charmingly. Ladies, you should go to bed at night and serve with all your heart!"


Seeing that he was lying in front of her in an instant, Yuan Xiuyue was slightly startled, then bit her red lips tightly, stared at him deeply with a pair of eyes that were so clear that there was no trace of impurities, and used his words to block him: "Didn't the emperor speak in front of you?" They said face-to-face, don't you like the overlord to force his bow? As a king, be a king without joking! Otherwise, people will make fun of you!"

(End of this chapter)

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