Chapter 242 The War of Two Men 2
Hearing his rascal words, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help twitching the corners of her lips, and three black lines appeared on her forehead in an instant!

This man, this is back to the past, overbearing and unreasonable!
Raising her eyes slightly, her eyes were uncertain, and she was very annoyed: "Your Majesty, even if you share the same bed, you have to pay attention to some feelings, and I have no feelings with you!"

His eyes drooped slightly, and he looked at her with lowered eyebrows. Nangong Haoling's eyes darkened slightly, and then he smiled evilly: "My Yue'er, if you don't sleep now, do you want to know that when we are deeply in love, you will always be happy?" How did you fall asleep?"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue's face was embarrassed, and her cheeks turned bright red.

Her eyebrows and feet twitched slightly, and she obediently shut up.

Slightly lowering her eyes, she hid her face deep in his arms, and the corners of her lips curled up slightly, as she wished, to be hugged and fell asleep by the man she loved.

Today's first battle, victory!
He cheated Nangong Haoling, and even bought one get one free to cheat Nangong Xiaoran.

Next, is to clean up the harem.

But at this moment, she was really tired.

Beside her ears, Nangong Haoling's even breathing sound entered her ears. Between her nose and breath, there was a faint scent of vanilla on his body, and a sense of happiness slowly flowed from her heart. The corners of her lips curled up to perfection. But at the most brilliant moment, because of the slow tingling pain in his heart, he restrained himself a little...

The next day, the snow that had been falling for several days finally stopped.

The long-lost sunshine sprinkled between the sky and the earth, making the snow white above the earth shine crystal clear, and people couldn't help but gasp in amazement!
On this day, because there was no need to go to the morning court, and because Yuan Xiuyue was in her arms, Nangong Haoling slept very soundly.

It was rare to see him sleep so sweetly, Yuan Xiuyue stared deeply at his handsome face for a long time, finally smiled knowingly, tiptoed off the couch, after she put on embroidered boots and opened the door, she called Ting Lan to wait on her in the side room Wash and change clothes.

After washing, Ting Lan wanted to comb her hair, but she saw her chuckle and shook her head, then smiled slyly: "Ting Lan, do you still remember that when we were in Yunyang, we all combed our hair with me? ?”

Hearing this, Ting Lan was slightly startled.

Seeing Yuan Xiuyue blinking at her, she smiled lightly, nodded in response, "Your servant understands what your mother means!"

As the words fell, the jade comb in her hand kept combing Yuan Xiuyue's bun, and then took a simple handkerchief and tied her into a ponytail, leaving two strands of hair on her temples. The silk hangs down.

This is the bun Yuan Xiuyue wore most often when she was in Yunyang.

Except for some people in the distant city of Anyang, no one knows that the current Queen of Li Kingdom was actually a fearless tomboy when she was in Anyang!
Staring deeply at herself in the bronze mirror with her ponytail back, Yuan Xiuyue's lips twitched slightly, and she couldn't help sighing aloud: "It's been a few years, I've been far away from the dangerous sky and clouds, and I don't see the flying sand outside the city again." , I feel like I'm getting old!"

"Your Majesty is at an average age, how can she be old?"

Smiling lightly, she helped Yuan Xiuyue up, Ting Lan lowered her head and said lightly: "The emperor hasn't gotten up yet, His Royal Highness Prince Ning got up early, and right now he is sitting and drinking tea in the warm pavilion, if not, how about going to play chess with him first?"

Thinking of Nangong Xiaoran, Yuan Xiuyue smiled.

Looking sideways at Ting Lan beside her, seeing that her face was like a peach blossom, she frowned lightly, and couldn't help sighing secretly in her heart!

Now, Ting Lan is getting deeper and deeper, but she doesn't know what Nangong Xiaoran thinks of her? !

While her thoughts were chaotic, Yuan Xiuyue followed Ting Lan to the gate of the Nuan Pavilion.

Looking up, she stared at the handsome man in white clothes who was as plump as jade in the Nuan Pavilion. Thinking of his love for her, Yuan Xiuyue's eyes narrowed slightly, and she followed Ting Lan into the Nuan Pavilion.


Hearing the sound, Nangong Xiao Ran, who was holding a cup of tea, raised his eyes slightly. After seeing Yuan Xiuyue's attire, his eyes flashed, and he smiled at Yuan Xiuyue like a spring breeze, but he didn't stand up and salute, nor did he respect her as a queen Madam, he only asked with a faint smile, "Last night...did you sleep well!"

Knowing that he was the guide Gong Haoling insisted on staying in the dormitory to sleep, Yuan Xiuyue pursed her lips lightly, caressed her swollen belly with lowered eyes, and nodded lightly: "Mr. Lao is concerned, it's okay!"

"That's good!"

Thinking deeply in his eyes, Nangong Xiaoran pointed to the chess game on the table to Yuan Xiuyue: "It's really not fun to play chess with your left hand and right hand, is Yue'er interested in fighting with me?"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue's eyes turned slightly and landed on the chessboard.

Looking at the scattered chess pieces on the chessboard, she changed her mind slightly, and said with a light smile, "I'm not very good at chess, so I'm afraid it will spoil my master's interest in playing chess!"

Hearing Yuan Xiuyue's words, Nangong Xiaoran couldn't help but be a little bit dumbfounded!
Back then, when he first came to Jinlinyuan, he played chess with her.

At that time, he hadn't taught her yet, but as soon as she gave birth, he was amazed!

But at this moment, she told him... She is not good at chess!

Frowning lightly, putting down the teacup in his hand, Nangong Xiaoran smiled indifferently: "It's okay, I am your husband, you are not good at chess, I will teach you!"


Smiling at Nangong Xiao Ran, Yuan Xiuyue did not refuse, she was seated in front of the table supported by Ting Lan, she leaned on the back of the chair, raised her face slightly and asked: "Sir, do you choose black or white?"

"You used to like black chess!"

Pushing the chess pot on the right to Yuan Xiuyue's hand, Nangong Xiaoran gave her an elegant smile.

sunspot? !

He always knew that she must choose sunspots when playing chess!
And he is still the perfect Nangong Xiaoran in her heart!

"Sir, you look so pretty when you smile!"

Withholding the sigh in her heart, Yuan Xiuyue did not hesitate to praise, and smiled lightly at Nangong Xiaoran. She lowered her eyebrows and looked at the chess game on the table, then pursed her lips and made a move!
The warm gaze slowly shifted from Yuan Xiuyue to Nangong Xiaoran's handsome face, and after a while, it shifted from Nangong Xiaoran to Yuan Xiuyue again, looking at the two most important people in his life, who were immersed in the chess game at the moment , Ting Lan smiled gratifiedly, blessed Fushen lightly and said: "Right now, only Shadow is busy in the dining room, and the servants will go to the dining room to help first!"


With a soft response, Yuan Xiuyue raised her eyes to look at Nangong Xiaoran in front of her, staring at Nangong Xiaoran's warm and bright eyes, without any trace of fear in her eyes, she waved her hand directly to Ting Lan: "The person you like will make mistakes. Is it? I'm not afraid, go!"


The pretty face was full of spring colors. Ting Lan pursed her red lips lightly, lowered her eyes and nodded, and exited the Nuan Pavilion respectfully.


Seeing that Yuan Xiuyue had dropped another son, Nangong Xiao Ran raised her eyes and looked at her with admiration just like before: "It's not that you are not good at chess, it's that you are very good at chess!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue smiled lightly, her eyes were shrewd, and she was kind-hearted: "The old city lord of Yuncheng used to be a master at chess. My brother thought I was irritable and not peaceful enough, so he sent me to the city lord's mansion. The old city lord forced me to play chess with him, so as to temper my temperament!"

"I see!"

It was the first time I heard Yuan Xiuyue tell me where she learned her chess skills from, Nangong Xiao Ran slightly nodded and said: "It seems that Brother Wende raised you well in the past, so that after you enter the palace, you can live in peace!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue's eyes flickered slightly.

Eyeballs rolling around, she looked at Nangong Xiaoran with a smile: "Sir, how have I been in the past few years since I entered the palace?"

There is no one who will not be curious about his past after losing his memory!
Therefore, she who is pretending to have amnesia at this moment should naturally ask about her past.

Hearing her question, Nangong Xiao Ran couldn't help but frowned slightly, "How was your life in the palace in the past, didn't you ask the emperor last night?"

Dai Mei frowned lightly, Yuan Xiuyue pursed her lips lightly, and said innocently: "I also want to ask, but last night I was only thinking about how to drive the emperor out..."


Raising his thick eyebrows lightly, and dropping the chess piece in his hand, Nangong Xiao Ran lightly said: "I've chased him for half a night, but I haven't kicked him out yet!"

"Who made him the emperor..."

It's pretty unreasonable!
With a low grunt, Yuan Xiuyue took the chess pieces and landed them on the board.

Seeing her like this, Nangong Xiaoran smiled wryly: "The emperor knows the things about you in the palace best. If you really want to know, you have to ask him later!"


After a long cry, Yuan Xiuyue was not annoyed because Nangong Xiaoran didn't tell her how she was in the palace in the past, but raised her eyes to his handsome face, changed the subject, and asked curiously: "Sir, can I Ask you something!"

Hearing this, Nangong Xiao Ran smiled gently, and said while sitting down: "In the past, Yue'er didn't have so many problems!"

The corners of her lips twitched lightly, Yuan Xiuyue secretly smiled in her heart, secretly thinking that Nangong Xiaoran's temper was always so indifferent, but her pretty face was smiling wryly: "But now I have forgotten the past, it is no longer the past Yue'er!"

Raising his eyes slightly, Nangong Xiaoran sighed softly, looking at the wry smile on her face, lowered his eyebrows and looked at the chess game: "What do you want to ask?"


Putting down the chess piece in her hand, Yuan Xiuyue's small face was full of interest: "Sir and Ting Lan, are they really a couple?"

Hearing this, Nangong Xiao Ran raised his eyes again.

Staring deeply at Yuan Xiuyue who was waiting for his answer full of anticipation, he frowned lightly, then lowered his eyebrows and took the chess piece and placed it on the chessboard: "I have no possibility with Ting Lan!"


Straight away from sitting up straight on the chair, but because her stomach was blocked, she had to lean back on the back of the chair again, Yuan Xiuyue's thoughts raced, and she frowned and asked: "Ting Lan is so good, why don't you like her?"

"Ting Lan is good!"

Raising her eyes lightly, she looked at Yuan Xiuyue who was frowning with darker eyes: "But she's not the one in my heart!"

(End of this chapter)

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