Chapter 244 The War of Two Men 4

Looking at the two from afar, Ting Lan said worriedly: "The emperor was always unhappy when he was eating, so he won't start a dispute with His Highness King Ning at this moment, right?"

"will not!"

With a light smile, Yuan Xiuyue turned her head to look at Ting Lan, her eyes were full of worry: "Ting Lan, I know what you think about your husband, but I asked him just now, and he treats you..."

Hearing this, Ting Lan's complexion changed slightly!
Her eyes were gloomy, she smiled wryly, and interrupted Yuan Xiuyue's words: "Your Majesty, don't say anything, this servant knows that he is not worthy of His Royal Highness King Ning, and he also knows that there is only Your Majesty in his heart, and he never expects him to respond to this servant." , as long as the servant can watch him from a distance!"

"Ting Lan..."

The thoughts in her heart suddenly became chaotic, listening to Ting Lan's inner thoughts, Yuan Xiuyue also felt powerless.

Of the things in the world, only the word love hurts people the most!
There is only a matter of affection, and there is no room for half-hearted reluctance!
Therefore, no matter how much she wished for Nangong Xiaoran and Ting Lan to be happy, in this matter, she could only match and could not do much.

Slowly, turning her gaze to the two snow-white figures on the snowy ground in the distant mountains again, Yuan Xiuyue's eyes were dimly lit, but her heart was filled with mixed feelings!
Days of haze, rare first clear after snow.

Having walked far away from the palace, Nangong Xiaoran slowly stopped with his eyes downcast, then raised his eyes to look at Nangong Haoling beside him: "What does the emperor want to talk to me about?"

Today, it's really cold.

It was so cold at this moment, as soon as he opened his mouth, he exhaled a rhyme-white breath.

Hearing Nangong Xiaoran's question, Nangong Haoling took two steps forward and then stopped.

He never turned his head to look at Nangong Xiaoran, he looked at the snowy scenery of Mount Ji, and sighed: "There are so many eyes and ears in this deep palace, Brother Wang, don't you think it's time for me to go back to Fudu?"

As if he had already expected that this was what he was going to say, Nangong Xiaoran bent his thin lips lightly, and there was nothing on his handsome face: "Now this Jishan Mountain is guarded by shadows, even a bird If I can't fly in, I'm very safe here, so I still want to stay here for a few more days, spend more time with Yue'er, and not return to Fudu for now!"

Hearing this, Nangong Haoling's expression darkened, and he glared at him angrily, "Brother Wang, don't make any mistakes, Yue'er...she is my woman!"

"But I like her!"

Lifting his eyes lightly, the curve of Nangong Xiaoran's lips is still the same. Anyone who sees him will feel more comfortable with his expression, but only Nangong Haoling is very unhappy when he sees him!
Finally, he turned his head to look at Nangong Xiaoran, Nangong Haoling's thin lips slightly curled up, and the cold air on his body became more and more serious: "I always knew that you liked her, but you must not forget that the person she likes ...It's always been me!"

"That was before!"

Meeting Nangong Haoling's icy pupils, a faint smile flashed in Nangong Xiaoran's eyes: "Now that she drinks Wuyou, she forgets the past and you too!"

"Even so so what?"

At this moment, Nangong Haoling's complexion became even more ugly: "Even if she forgets me now, the emperor's heir in her stomach is real!"

"It's okay!"

Turning her head to one side, letting out a long breath of steam, Nangong Xiaoran smiled indifferently and said: "Now that she has lost her memory, everything should start again, as long as she chooses me between you and me, I don't care if she was born The next child, is it the emperor's?"


Hearing Nangong Xiaoran's words, Nangong Haoling's temper suddenly came up, he stretched out his hand to support Nangong Xiaoran's shoulder, he glanced at him with a calm and handsome face, his dark eyes were like cold stars, and he was terrified, "I order you, Go back to Fudu now, don't even think about coveting my woman here!"

"Your Majesty, I am the leader of the rebel army. When did you see that the leader of the rebel army will obey the emperor?" Nangong Xiaoran raised his head and glanced at him. Seeing Nangong Haoling's expression was cold, his eyes darkened, and his tone finally changed. Yi softly said: "I won't leave for the time being! At least... I won't leave until I find the real culprit who poisoned her!"

Hearing this, the expression on Nangong Haoling's face froze!
Finally, he understood the meaning of his words, he glanced at Nangong Xiaoran coldly, then took a deep breath, with a gloomy handsome face, his voice seemed to be frozen, and said in a low voice: "Early this morning, sister-in-law Huang has already gone down the mountain Funing Palace, this matter will be taken over by the queen mother, there will be news soon."

"Then wait until there is news!"

With a trademark warm smile on his face again, Nangong Xiaoran bent down, inserted his big white hand into the snow, quickly rolled a snowball, and threw his backhand towards Nangong Haoling.

Seeing the snowball coming, Nangong Haoling's pupils narrowed slightly, and then his figure flashed, allowing the snowball to fly past him, and then embedded deeply in the snow on the ground.


His already ugly face froze again, and he glared at Nangong Xiaoran angrily!

"Ha ha……"

A hearty and deep smile slowly escaped from his throat, Nangong Xiaoran bent over and rolled another snowball, then raised his hand and threw it towards Nangong Haoling again.

"You're still here!"

Taking two steps forward with a handsome figure, Nangong Haoling glanced coldly at Nangong Xiaoran's handsome face.


Leaning forward to dig the snow again, with a snowball in his hands, Nangong Xiaoran sighed impatiently: "Back then, when you were sent to the Chu Kingdom, I was seven years old and you were five years old. We two brothers didn't know why we were having fun. I have never fought a snowball fight like other children when the snow is falling, this is a great regret between you and me!"

Hearing this, Nangong Haoling couldn't help but feel suffocated!
He raised his eyes to meet Nangong Xiaoran's calm and obscure eyes, his heart moved slightly, he hooked the corner of his lips with a sneer, then quickly leaned over, reached out and picked up a snowball, and threw it out in an instant: "Good job Nangong Xiaoran , dare to sneak attack me!"

Unable to dodge in time, being hit by his snowball, Nangong Xiaoran laughed heartily again, and then threw the snowball in his hand towards Nangong Haoling...

Far away, standing in front of the window of the Nuan Pavilion, seeing two big men on the snowy hill in the far mountain attacking each other with snowballs, Ting Lan couldn't help being stunned beside Yuan Xiuyue, and murmured: "The Queen's Majesty! , what are the emperor and His Highness Prince Ning doing?"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue, who was sitting at the table reading a book, raised her eyes slightly.

Putting down the book in her hand, she got up from the table and stepped forward.

When he saw Nangong Haoling and Nangong Xiaoran's childish actions, he couldn't help laughing: "Are they... having a snowball fight?"


These two big men are actually having a snowball fight!

Although, he had already expected that the content of the conversation between Nangong Haoling and Nangong Xiaoran would not be very pleasant!
But now the solution... is far beyond her expectations!

The war between these two men is too special!

It's a pity, she is a pregnant woman, so she can't go out casually...

The snowball fight on the hill didn't last long, and it came to an abrupt end when Ji Heng stepped forward suddenly!

"Your Majesty! An emergency report from the border!"

Stumbling up the snow hill, Ji Heng presented a secret letter in front of Nangong Haoling with an ugly expression.

"A border emergency report?"

Looking sideways at Ji Heng, Nangong Haoling had already opened the secret letter. Seeing his expression darken to the extreme, Nangong Xiaoran couldn't help asking: "What happened at the border?"


With a swish, Nangong Haoling clasped the superstition in his palm, and asked Ji Heng in a deep voice: "Where is Brother Wang?"

Ji Henggong turned back and said: "His Royal Highness is already waiting for the emperor in the imperial study!"

Hearing this, Nangong Haoling turned his head to look at Nangong Xiaoran with a solemn expression: "Change into the shadow's clothes, put on a mask, and follow me to the Royal Study Room to discuss matters with Brother Wang!"

(End of this chapter)

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