Li Palace's elegance shocked the world: the goddess is blessed

267 ​​Chapter 1 It's Lively Now [-]

267 ​​Chapter 1 It's Lively Now [-]
Ever since he learned that Yuan Xiuyue had been poisoned by the Forgetfulness Gu poison, Dugu Chen had been traveling day and night without stopping, and finally arrived in Lidu today.

No one could understand the feeling of worry and distress he felt along the way.

He was afraid, he was afraid that by the time he arrived, Yuan Xiuyue would be poisoned, and life would be worse than death!
He was afraid of seeing her haggard.

But at this moment, seeing Yuan Xiuyue's dark and deep pupils hidden in the carriage from afar, his heartstrings were slightly loosened, and he finally let go of his high hanging heart, secretly heaving a sigh of relief.

Not far away, she has calm and clear eyes, not as weak as he imagined.

In this way, it shows that she is okay.

And he didn't come too late!

In the heavy snowfall, Duguchen's jade-like handsome face never escaped the dust.

Staring at his slightly moving but relieved eyes when he looked at her, the corners of Yuan Xiuyue's lips twitched slightly.

As she expected!
The forgetfulness Gu poison should have nothing to do with him.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have rushed to leave the capital so hastily during the secret war between the two countries!
If so, she sighed secretly in her heart, she turned her eyes slightly, and looked at Yuan Mingyue beside Duguchen.

However, after feeling her gaze, Yuan Mingyue's eyes flashed, and she turned her head to the other side abruptly.

Seeing her like this, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help feeling sad!

Are the sisters pretending not to know each other when they meet each other now?
"Yue Wang!"

With a deep expression on his face, Nangong Haoling's voice was slightly cold, but deep and mellow. He reached out and put down the cotton curtain gently raised by Yuan Xiuyue, blocking the line of sight between Yuan Xiuyue and Dugu Chen. He turned his head slightly, facing Dugu Chen outside the carriage, Qing Leng asked: "Now that the Yue Kingdom is oppressing my army from the Li Kingdom, if you appear in my Li Capital at this moment, aren't you afraid that you will come and go?"

Since Xuanyuan Tang concealed that Yuan Xiuyue's poisoning was related to Nanyue, he followed her mind and followed suit.

So at this moment, seeing Dugu Chen again, the only thing he mentioned to him was the matter of the border between Li and Yue.

No matter how much he wants to step forward to question Dugu Chen about the forgetfulness poison in Yuan Xiuyue's body, he still has to take Yuan Xiuyue into consideration and the relationship between the two countries!
Because of his domineering actions, Yuan Xiuyue frowned slightly.

Seeing her frown, Nangong Haoling frowned, and raised his hand to caress the center of her brow.

Outside the carriage, hearing Nangong Haoling's unfriendly words, Duguchen did not show any displeasure!
The other party's attitude was in his expectation.

Taking a breath, Duguchen exhaled hot air, following the snow, blowing towards his handsome face again.With thin lips slightly pulled, he chuckled, and Lang Lang said: "This king dares to come today, it shows that this king is fully prepared, even if Lidi wants this king to come or not, I'm afraid it won't work."

Hearing this, Nangong Haoling's eyes suddenly turned cold!
Slightly drooping his eyes, he sneered coldly: "Since Yue Wang was so thoughtful before coming, then I will ask you, what is the reason why you came to my country this time?"

Hearing this, Duguchen didn't make a sound immediately.

He only turned his eyes slightly, looked at the cotton curtain covering Yuan Xiuyue beside Nangong Haoling, and then said softly: "This king is here this time to discuss the border between the two countries with Emperor Li!"

"it is good!"

It's not that he didn't notice Duguchen's gaze, but he didn't want to ruin the pleasure of enjoying the snow with Yuan Xiuyue today. Nangong Haoling said good-bye lightly, and then told Ji Heng: "Send someone to bring King Yue into the palace first. As a gift for the envoy, stay at the Xingyue Pavilion, and wait for me and the empress to return to the palace, and I will summon you later!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue frowned slightly.

Outside the carriage, Ji Heng had already respectfully led the order, and appointed a eunuch as a follower, walked quickly to Dugu Chen's horse, respected Dugu Chen, and said in a low voice: "His Royal Highness Yue Wang is bumpy all the way. You must be physically and mentally exhausted, please ask Yue Wang to stay first!"

"There's Mrs. Luo Ji in charge!"

Indifferently, he glanced at Nangong Haoling in the carriage, Duguchen twitched the corners of his lips, lightly reined in the horse rope, and moved out of the way.

Although, he desperately wanted to see Yuan Xiuyue.

Want to talk to her!
But right now, it's really not the time!
With him in front, Lei Luo and Yuan Mingyue behind her naturally followed suit!
Seeing this, Nangong Haoling's eyes darkened slightly, and without saying anything, he slid his arm down and put down the cotton curtain.

After a while, Ji Heng closed the door, and the carriage started moving forward again.

Staring deeply at the carriage that was gradually moving away, Duguchen narrowed his eyes slightly, and thoughts raced in his heart.

According to his younger brother, Yuan Xiuyue's life is not long now!
But at the moment she is with Nangong Haoling, but she doesn't show any weakness...

Turning her mind slightly, she used her own heart to figure out Yuan Xiuyue's thoughts.

His already dark eyes suddenly sank again!
"His Royal Highness Yue Wang?"

Beside him, the eunuch who was in charge of leading the way called three times, but Duguchen still didn't hear back, so he could only look at Lei Luo beside him with a troubled expression.

Receiving the eunuch's call for help, Lei Luo frowned slightly, then turned to look at Duguchen: "Let's leave the palace first!"

"My lord!"

Still lazily leaning against Nangong Haoling's warm embrace, Yuan Xiuyue was full of thoughts and didn't speak out for a long time.

Looking back lightly, Duguchen glanced at Yuan Mingyue beside him, and couldn't help sighing with a sneer: "Your sister was in the carriage just now, since she saw you, why didn't you go up to meet her, don't you forget Now, why did this king bring you to leave the country?"

Hearing this, Yuan Mingyue trembled slightly.

"Wang... wangye!"

With her mind racing, she stroked her injured face with trembling hands, and then said in a trembling voice: "I just thought about it, my face is ruined, I don't know how to explain it if my sister asks!"

Hearing her words, Duguchen's pupils narrowed slightly: "You want to say, because this king ruined your face, you are doing it for my own good, so you dare not go to see her?"


Shaking her head hastily, not daring to meet Shuang Duguchen's icy eyes, Yuan Mingyue lowered her eyes and said softly: "I accidentally scratched the face of this servant, and it has nothing to do with the prince!"

"You better remember what you said right now!"

Sneaking coldly, Duguchen lightly clamped the horse's belly, and took the lead.

Seeing this, Lei Luo hurriedly followed, while Yuan Mingyue was startled and frightened, turned her head slightly, and deeply forgot to take a look in the direction the carriage was leaving, and she also followed...

The carriage traveled south along the main street until it reached the South City Gate, then passed through the city and continued southward amidst the vastness.

In the carriage, Yuan Xiuyue didn't care about where the carriage was going, but frowned slightly, snuggled into Nangong Haoling's arms, and didn't make a sound for a long time.

After a long silence, Nangong Haoling frowned slightly seeing that she had been silent.After a while, she still couldn't speak aloud. He couldn't help reaching out and lifting her chin, and asked with a smile on his lips, "What are you thinking? You're so preoccupied?"

"I'm thinking about Mingyue!"

Raising her eyes lightly to meet Nangong Haoling's deep and warm eyes, Yuan Xiuyue smiled bitterly and sighed sadly: "I remember five years ago, when I just returned home from Yunyang, my sister was pretty nice to me at that time. But now, she and I have experienced so many things, but we are no longer sisters!"

Hearing this, Nangong Haoling pursed the corners of her lips lightly, and slightly tightened her arms: "Things in this world are always unpredictable, and no one knows what will happen in the future. She has done so many things to hurt you in the past." Well, seeing you now, she will naturally feel guilty!"

"but I……"

Yuan Xiuyue would like to say that for herself who has no time left, family affection is undoubtedly precious.

Although Yuan Mingyue had hurt her more than once in the past, she really wanted to forgive her at this moment, but she couldn't say this forgiveness in front of Nangong Haoling.

Because, she, Yuan Xiuyue, has always been vindictive, and she is not the kind of person who is vain.

At this moment, if she suddenly becomes magnanimous, she will not look like her.

Unless, she is dying!
Gently, with a secret sigh, turning all her thoughts into a sigh, Yuan Xiuyue lightly raised her hand, raised the curtain again, and looked at the falling snow outside the window.

The cool wind, mixed with pure white snow, blew her face head-on. The tingling feeling made her clearly feel that her heart was still beating, and that she was still alive!

For her, this is good.


The road was slippery in the snow, and after leaving the capital, the pedestrians on the official road were silent.

Yuan Xiuyue and Nangong Haoling took the carriage for half an hour before arriving at their final destination.

The moment Ji Heng opened the car door from the outside, Yuan Xiuyue looked at the familiar building covered with a layer of silver in front of her, couldn't help but bend her red lips slightly, and turned to look at Nangong Haoling beside her, her eyes were already full of surprise.

Seeing the surprise in her eyes, Nangong Haoling knew that he brought her to the right place.

He got up first and jumped off the carriage. He turned around and held her hand, helped Yuan Xiuyue out of the carriage, and then hugged her by the waist.

Seeing this, Ji Heng quickly took a big umbrella and put it on top of the two of them.

With a low eyebrow and a smile, looking at Yuan Xiuyue's smile, Nangong Haoling frowned slightly, and said with a gentle smile: "I have been thinking about what you like and where I should take you to play, but after much deliberation, you Except for the palace and the Marquis of Anguo's Mansion, I have only lived here for a year, and the Marquis of Anguo's Mansion is now closed, it will only add to your sadness if you go there, but there is Grandma Long here, maybe you will like it!"

Hearing what Nangong Haoling said, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help but a warm current flowed slowly in her heart.

Looking up and smiling at the Juxian Tower in front of her, she raised the corners of her lips slightly, pecked Nangong Haoling's thin lips like a reward, and then blinked lightly, with sparkles in her eyes: "I like you, where you are ,I like all of them!"

Hearing this, Nangong Haoling couldn't help snorting, and looked at her with a dishonest expression: "Yue'er, I've been in the palace all the time, but... don't you like the palace?"

"I hate it, why do you have to tell the truth..."

Dai Mei frowned slightly, and Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help secretly smiling because of Nangong Haoling's words.

(End of this chapter)

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